Isn't she a little young?

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The Virginia Department of Health has started a campaign against teen pregnancy, but its taking a slightly different approach than normal - instead of going after the young women to get them to make better choices, its targetting the older men who are getting them pregnant.

Health officials are launching a campaign this month to dissuade older men from having sex with underage girls. The messages will appear through July in northern Virginia, Richmond and Roanoke.
According to a news release from the health department, men older than 21 are three times more likely than junior high schoolboys to father children with junior high school girls.
The campaign includes messages such as ''Isn't she a little young?'' and ''Sex with a minor, don't go there.''

NBC 12 News Article

VA Dept. of Health Rape Laws Website (with information specific to this new campaign)

I saw this on the news last night. Kind of interesting. Figured someone would have something to say about this...

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age of consent (where you can't get charged with statutory rape... i think...) varies from state to state. It used to be 16 in Virginia, but i don't know if that's still true.

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girls always want to get with older guys

fact of nature

but older guys, why cant they get with anyone of there own age?

i think you just answered your own question in the same post... :)

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and "spaying" the slutty young girls

That's what I get for posting in another thread...beat to the punch. Though I must admit "spaying" was more clever than I would have been. Good for you, haha.

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15 will get you 20! :laugh:

As i was watching the news, i was really hoping that would be their slogan... alas, no.

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i agree with the nuts and sluts solution

hey asthetic, i see you're from Australia - when i sent this info to one of my friends, he said that Australia was actively pushing procreation because of declining population numbers... just curious if that is true or if he is making it up... (any other Aussies can chime in too)

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hey asthetic, i see you're from Australia - when i sent this info to one of my friends, he said that Australia was actively pushing procreation because of declining population numbers... just curious if that is true or if he is making it up... (any other Aussies can chime in too)

hmm i haven't heard anything about the declining population numbers, female abuse is the current campaign from the government atm

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No, he's a sex offender. With a record. He served 6 months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old. When he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast.

I could care less who's having sex with whom, I just think it's kind of sad. If that ever happened to a girl in my family (dobutful, since I'm north of the Mason-Dixon line), someone's nuts would be on a platter.

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I could care less who's having sex with whom, I just think it's kind of sad. If that ever happened to a girl in my family (dobutful, since I'm north of the Mason-Dixon line), someone's nuts would be on a platter.

huh? are you implying that there are only perverts in the south or that they don't force perverts to let others know in the south?

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huh? are you implying that there are only perverts in the south or that they don't force perverts to let others know in the south?

yeah... because neither is true... TIC i would guess...

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huh? are you implying that there are only perverts in the south or that they don't force perverts to let others know in the south?

Perverts? They're everywhere. Creepy 20-somethings knocking up an underage girl ... not really a problem around here.

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Perverts? They're everywhere. Creepy 20-somethings knocking up an underage girl ... not really a problem around here.

what makes you think its more of a problem in the south? other than the fact that its the VDH running this campaign? (those statistics were nationwide, i believe...)

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whats the legal age for sex in the US is it 16 like the UK ?

Each states are different, I know here in Illinois it is 17... other states are probably 18 if not known, but as I said, each are different but probably 17 or 18..

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and "spaying" the slutty young girls

My town up until a few years ago had one of the highest teen pregnancy rates population wise in Ontario. Theres nothing funnier IMO to see a bunch of 17 year olds downtown with baby carriages, especially when two of them are former classmates who said abstinence was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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