FOr those that think the economy is recovering

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Sure I believe CNN gathered the companies they wished to compare, so could I and come up with whatever numbers I liked.

FACT: I've made more money each year over the past three years than in any of the previous 17, and we really are getting that 3% increase this year.

and no thanks, I have CNN blocked, don't need any more leftist dribble than what I see all over the net

And again, you miss the point. Do you actually read my remarks or glance at the first few words and theorize the rest!!! I said the AVERAGE income, meaning from all across America. Here, let me make it glow for you so yoo might actually read it, THE AVERAGE INCOME FOR AMERICANS DROPPED BY 0.6 percent. The report didn't say "Income levels for adonai dropped."

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Dude, how about you actually edit what you are going to quote so we know what you are referring to. Or better yet, so we don't have to see the exact same quote three times, split one quote in one post into several quotes. All for the sake of clarity, Thanks.

Just in case I'm thinking wrong and you are actually posting three times talking about the same quote, try using the p_edit.gif button next time. Again, thanks.

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Dude, how about you actually edit what you are going to quote so we know what you are referring to. Or better yet, so we don't have to see the exact same quote three times, split one quote in one post into several quotes. All for the sake of clarity, Thanks.

Just in case I'm thinking wrong and you are actually posting three times talking about the same quote, try using the button next time. Again, thanks.

No, I acutally have to say this over and over because this guy thinks it is about him, so I have to tell him otherwise

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Spyntec, don't put any effort in trying to talk to these guys. In the end it just isn't worth it, you talking to them won't make their own political affiliations change over-night. Perhaps when the human race is extinct from the nuclear holocaust, these guys will change their mind.

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First: please for the love of god, edit your post whoever you are and just append to the single one instead of making 3+ post in a row(that goes for anyone)---specifically Spyntek at the momment

Second: I hope some people don't trust only one news source, and looks each way(i.e. other sources that talk about same thing), and come up with your belief of what is true/not true by yourself----adonai, from the way you stated that above, you made it sound like you only listen to one place, which i doubt you do....edit in/post where else you listen to the news to keep Spyntek from bitching)

Third: Radiation Hardened chips, if they were that much of a worried thing, why did people not make a big deal about it in Congress/military about the uses of it...., its like that Gyroscope **** they worried about awhile back...either they will:

A: Buy the tech from someone(that has developed through spying, or their own),

B: Steal the tech(through spys/faulty failed parts in testing)-improve appon it

C: come up with their own somehow/faulty and miss its target/what not and create even worse crisis....

therefore the lesser evil is to go ahead and share with our "allies"......the only reason china: because they build most of our ****/import crap....i mean have you looked at things: china, tiawan, somewhere in asia, and mexico.....those are where most consumer products people buy are made.....

here is a funny tidbit: most american weapons....american made, there may be a few parts from somewhere else, but most of the time, the majority are made here

what are greedy ******s out there....eventually things happen to those people some way or another...

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let me just say, if you think the "QA" is bad in the military, you don't know jack. i work in military tech and that stuff is tested, retested, tested again, then tested again for good measure. these kinds of missiles must be *proven* to work through software/hardware failures, etc. good grief you pay $15k for a compiler because it's been through military spec testing! i don't care if it's foreign or domestic, the QA is solid for most military-grade stuff.

spyntek, please quit accusing everyone of not reading the report. good grief, someone might have actually read it and have a different opinion from yours. just because someone listens to rush limbaugh (which i never have) or doesn't watch cnn (which is my primary news source) doesn't mean they are some blind sheep. in fact, it is those who espouse themselves as knowing everything and accusing others of being blind who are most often themselves the misled... hell you may be right in the end, but i still have the right to an opinion without being labeled a kiss-ass/greedy/etc.

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Oh how dramatic you are. Yeah, a rich elitist liberal is going to look for the "little guy". What a joke. Talk about a blind follower.

Just like the article I posted. Trade deficits can mean good things. Like every democrat in America you want to focus on a small problem, and totally ignore all the good things that are going on.

Manufacturing jobs are on the rise.

How about today.

No, thats why I'm glad Clinton is out of office.

What world are you living in? Every company in America goes for the lowest bidder. The government is no different.

Democrats shouldn't even speak the words "national security". Democrats have left our national security vulnerable for years. Remember, America trusts Republicans to defend their country more than democrats in pretty much every poll. You guys don't have a good track record on national security.

As oppposed to a rich elitist republican. Bush is a 'son of priviledge' who has never seen want or need in his life and is completely out of touch with commonplace realities of the average person. No amount of 'down home' hokey good ole boy charm can fix that.

I'm not saying Kerry is different in that respect, but let's not kid ourselves.

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Sputnik, as much as I enjoy some of the shows on FoxNews, I'd never dare post a flurry of 3 or 4 threads and follow up with unsubstantiated quotes in an attempt at starting a discussion. Especially if it were a topic that I had discussed ad nauseum here before.

So chastise me all you like, label me, whatever makes you feel justified in crying about the sky falling on us all. It's actually not. You're only making yourself a sad bitter person by letting your being outsourced consume you. Until you set down and force yourself to get over it and actually do something about bettering your circumstances, you could spend virtually the rest of your life being bitter over this. But hey, you can always look back and admire that wasted vote for Kerry.

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Sputnik, as much as I enjoy some of the shows on FoxNews, I'd never dare post a flurry of 3 or 4 threads and follow up with unsubstantiated quotes in an attempt at starting a discussion.  Especially if it were a topic that I had discussed ad nauseum here before. 

So chastise me all you like, label me, whatever makes you feel justified in crying about the sky falling on us all.  It's actually not.  You're only making yourself a sad bitter person by letting your being outsourced consume you.  Until you set down and force yourself to get over it and actually do something about bettering your circumstances, you could spend virtually the rest of your life being bitter over this.  But hey, you can always look back and admire that wasted vote for Kerry.

Well, the evidence is overwhelming, confirming what I have been saying. You choose not to look at it, thinking your leader is going to save when the time comes but guess what, when he leaves office, he will have a guranteed pension plan and secret service protection for the rest of his life, he grew up in a wealthy household, most of it is oil money. He is certainly out of touch with the average american, his whole family is. You seem to think he cares for you personally, on the contrary, he doesn't give two ****s about you and the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be

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Well, the evidence is overwhelming, confirming what I have been saying. You choose not to look at it, thinking your leader is going to save when the time comes but guess what, when he leaves office, he will have a guranteed pension plan and secret service protection for the rest of his life, he grew up in a wealthy household, most of it is oil money. He is certainly out of touch with the average american, his whole family is. You seem to think he cares for you personally, on the contrary, he doesn't give two ****s about you and the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be

and you think most presidents do? :rolleyes:

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he will have a guranteed pension plan and secret service protection for the rest of his life, he grew up in a wealthy household, most of it is oil money
That's a right all Presidents have, democrat or republican. What does "oil money" have to do with anything?
He is certainly out of touch with the average american, his whole family is. You seem to think he cares for you personally, on the contrary, he doesn't give two ****s about you and the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be

And you think your candiate is "in touch" with the American people? The rich Kerry is just an everyday guy who knows what it's like, right? Nobody here says Bush or any politician cares for us "personally". I believe Bush cares about the American people, you have an obsessive hatred for him, so you will think the opposite. Remember, Kerry or the democratic party doesn't care about you either.

Total Income Valuation

minimum maximum

$15,550,935 - $77,540,000

Top 5 Income Sources

HEINZ H J CO $5,200,007 - $22,000,000

UNITED STATES TREASURY BILLS (1) $260,005 - $2,130,000


BECTON DICKINSON & CO $105,002 - $1,015,000

COMERICA INC $105,002 - $1,015,000

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sigh., many canidates are in-touch as you stated about the ones being out-of-touch of the people every year?

not Dragon said, Regan is the only one that comes to mind as one that was In-Touch.......who else was in-touch as he was?

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sigh., many canidates are in-touch as you stated about the ones being out-of-touch of the people every year?

not Dragon said, Regan is the only one that comes to mind as one that was In-Touch.......who else was in-touch as he was?

right... but everyone wants bush to care about the people.

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Thats what I expect of Kerry, that is what I expect of Bush. From what I see in Kerry's debates, he knows a lot about what a small business needs.

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