9/11 Staff: No al Qaeda cooperation with Iraq

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Editorials are wonderful things....they can say whatever they want without having to offer a shred of proof.

Did you notice that the writer of that piece is exactly the same person complaining about Kerry getting paid his salary?

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The commission a joke? Funny that those claiming that are not aware that the commission is/are going out of their way to not lay blame on any administration.

My guess is those that claim the money is ill spent are really complaining that the commission didn't find a direct link to justify the war with Iraq. Dang...who's the real enemy here? Bin Laden or Saddam? Who's still running free?

I'd also like to point out that imho, after lurking here for some time, a lot of the same complainers are also the same supporters of Star and his 100 million dollar (70 million offical by the GAO) witch hunt...

had it been anyone else other than the president committing perjury, they would've been held in contempt and possibly done time. don't compare apples and oranges.

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had it been anyone else other than the president committing perjury, they would've been held in contempt and possibly done time.  don't compare apples and oranges.

LOL...you and I BOTH know it wasn't about perjury.........The OIC was created to investigate WHITEWATER....not every zipper story that Scaife money, American Spectator, Limbaugh, ect could muster up...........then put the President on the stand and ask him all about every zipper story they could think of......Star was a loonitic.

snipped - Play nice, or move on.

Edited by Joel
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