Putin Says Russia Warned U.S. on Saddam

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A deployable threat within 45 doesn't make a differnce if it's WMD's or not. One shell could kill thousands of people.

Whoa, hold on there, you actually have value for a human life?

Or do you just care about the life of American citizens?

I don't ignore the pro-Bush evidence. I categorize it into the consequentialist realm. Bush did give some (or quite a few) benefits to the world/American citizens, but I don't agree with the process in which he did so. The actions he and his administration has taken shows that he has no consideration for ethical principles and that he only looks at the big picture.

The big picture isn't always the best view as you always tend to skip the little details that matter in the process.

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Whoa, hold on there, you actually have value for a human life?
I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or actually asking a question. But anyways, I never mentioned "American lives", I mentioned that one shell had the capability of killing thousands of people.
I don't ignore the pro-Bush evidence. I categorize it into the consequentialist realm. Bush did give some (or quite a few) benefits to the world/American citizens, but I don't agree with the process in which he did so. The actions he and his administration has taken shows that he has no consideration for ethical principles and that he only looks at the big picture.

You can disagree with the process he used, but there are many who agree. There are people who would never use war, even if they were under direct threat. Looking at the big picture sometimes is useful. It might put things in perspective.

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Whoa, hold on there, you actually have value for a human life?

Or do you just care about the life of American citizens?

I don't ignore the pro-Bush evidence. I categorize it into the consequentialist realm. Bush did give some (or quite a few) benefits to the world/American citizens, but I don't agree with the process in which he did so. The actions he and his administration has taken shows that he has no consideration for ethical principles and that he only looks at the big picture.

The big picture isn't always the best view as you always tend to skip the little details that matter in the process.

I could not have said that better myself.

Great post.

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Look, if you're going to go the route that Saddam really was a viable threat, then why the hell aren't we doing anything about North Korea? Not only are they a longer standing enemy with the US, they're a much larger and closer threat.

What, you mean the ~40,000 troops we have stationed there?

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What, you mean the ~40,000 troops we have stationed there?

And add to the fact that they have Nuke's. They have also said, any invasion in there country and they will use them.

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i am still unsure about one thing

and you guys seem to be doging this question at all costs

does america count on the list of countried aiding terroists and if not why ?

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i am still unsure about one thing

and you guys seem to be doging this question at all costs

does america count on the list of countried aiding terroists and if not why ?

I would not say America is Aiding terrorist, that is a tad extreame. What I will say, and this is a fact, that they helped create these modern day terrorists. The actions the US made in the middle east helped fuel there view and focus. They trained Osama, they armed Sadam. It came back and bit them in the butt.

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You can disagree with the process he used, but there are many who agree. There are people who would never use war, even if they were under direct threat. Looking at the big picture sometimes is useful. It might put things in perspective.

Perhaps this is where our respective ideologies differ.

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I would not say America is Aiding terrorist, that is a tad extreame. What I will say, and this is a fact, that they helped create these modern day terrorists. The actions the US made in the middle east helped fuel there view and focus. They trained Osama, they armed Sadam. It came back and bit them in the butt.

so what do you class as aiding ?

if not supporting with arms and money?

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so what do you class as aiding ?

if not supporting with arms and money?

Well, after more thought, I have to say it does appear that way. I mean US has a past where they always did things like with training and arming etc groups who would carry out there agenda's then it always comes back. I live in the US. I would not want to live anywhere else in this world. But honestly, just because I feel that way does not make me blind to the truth. US creates most of its own problems in the end.

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^^^like the Cambodians(errr i can't remember bout that one....), and Columbians, and the Cubans(to over throw Castrol)....

and true we did create terrorist like Osama and train people like Saddam(let alone gave weapons to).....

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