Free beer if you register to vote

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That’s the plan at today’s East End Festival. Monroe County Democrats have teamed up with High Falls Brewery to offer two free 2-ounce beers to those who register to vote at the festival.

Then the new voter can go into a real voting booth and pick the brew they liked the most. The promotion is called “Register Your Taste.”

The goal is to encourage people older than 21 to register to vote and to simulate the experience of voting. But alcohol treatment counselors fizzled on the idea, saying organizers shouldn’t link drinking with the civic duty of voting.

”I think there are other ways to motivate people to vote other than give them alcohol,” said Elaine Milton, director of the chemical dependency clinic at the Family Service of Rochester Inc.

Molly Clifford, head of the Monroe County Democrats, stressed that the event is not aimed at encouraging alcohol consumption and that the samples are small.

The initiative, backed by High Falls CEO Tom Hubbard and Moe Alaimo, president of the East End Business District, will also take place at two other East End festivals later this summer and at two Red Wings games.

The booth will be open from 6 to 8 tonight at Alaimo’s store, Havana Moe’s, 200 East Ave.

”It’s just a fun way to get young people interested in voting,” Clifford said.

The festival is a great place to promote voting because of the captive audience, said Christopher Burns, co-founder of the Rochester Young Professionals.

”Young people like to drink and politics is not something they usually think about,” said Burns, 29.

”I hope people won’t be inebriated when they vote, but it seems like a fun way to get people involved in the voting process.”

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Um, 2 ounce beers? I knew those liberals were pussies but that just proves it! Clearly Ted Kenendy was not part of this initiative...


isn't 2 oz like, a bottle cap? The metric sip? At least it's a better theme then, "vote early, vote often."

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Um, 2 ounce beers? I knew those liberals were pussies but that just proves it! Clearly Ted Kenendy was not part of this initiative...

:woot: :woot:

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bah.....remember when drinking was allowed during the vote days in the past? neither do i because they stopped that like in the 1800's if i remember...

anyway 2 oz of beer?....sheesh...what are they trying to get drunk?....the people from "The Land of the Giants"?

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A prerequesite for voting Democrat! :D ;)


If you are perplexed by my agreement, I have stated this many times earlier and will do so again: I am not a democrat.

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