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Would Windows 3.X Run on Modern Machines?


Not sure if this should have been postedin the hardware section, or the software - I just figured it would be more on the O.S Side, but there is no 3.X/Dos section, so this I thought would be the best place... (mods please move it if needed :) )

anyway, moving on - Would windows 3.1 (or 3.11 for Workgroups) Work on Modern machines?? I have found my copy, and thought it would be neat to bast into the past!

My 2 "oldest" sytem specs are:

P3 850MHz (No idea on FSB)

90GB HD (1x 30Gb 1x60GB)


Onboard graphics

Onboard sound

P4 2.0GHz 400FSB

1x 40GB HD

256MB Ram

Onboard sound

ATi Radeon 9000 128mb Pro

Any ideas? If needed, further specs can be given :)

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It should work. I know my state's DMV just upgraded all of their machines to brand spanking new Dell PCs and they still use Windows 3.11 for their applications. It's funny seeing Windows 3.11 on an LCD monitor :D

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It should work. I know my state's DMV just upgraded all of their machines to brand spanking new Dell PCs and they still use Windows 3.11 for their applications. It's funny seeing Windows 3.11 on an LCD monitor :D

They might be emulating 3.1 I think I have seen that somewhere else too.

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If I was to partition the HD 2 like 1.5gb it should work?

If not, where can I pick up an emulator? and how mich would they be?


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The more important question is why?

why does it matter WHY he's doing it? It's his computer and so he can do whatever he wants...

this seems to be becomming a trend with Neowin users... asking why, when it, in fact, doesn't even matter...


You should be able to use MS Virtual PC to install win 3.11. I did try installing DOS using VPC and it worked ok. I suppose Win 3.11 should work too.


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I attempted just for a chuckle to install Windows 3.11 on a 500MB FAT16 partition on my system (P4 2.4C, ABIT IS7, 1GB RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro) and the installer couldn't locate a partition to install to and would just bail out. Perhaps it was because of the position of the FAT16 partition on my disk, I'm not sure.

Anyway, like others have suggested, if you have a copy of MS Virtual PC, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to pull it off using that.

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Hey ramian & BananaMan,

Thanks for the info about MS Virtual PC' I am going to be downloading the 45 Day Free trial, this should work with no problems im hoping. If I do like it however, does anybody know prices? It' doesn't officially say any MSRP or anything, the price looks decent, too' so I will prob. buy it if I see the trial fit's my needs!

Thanks everyone!

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Someone made a patch that allows Windows 3.1 to run on MS-DOS 7.x, meaning support for FAT32 and large partitions. It's not perfect though, and it still isn't going to support most modern hardware. I don't remember the name or where to get it, but I wouldn't use it for anything important anyway. I remember Windows 3.1 very well and how often it crashed; I wouldn't want to go back to that. If you just want to play around with it I agree with the other posters that Virtual PC would be the best way to go. :)

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Yeah but it sucks. Not the classic GUI with the program group icons like in 3.1

Is this really a new fad now? I always love playing with old stuff. Windows For Workgroups 3.11 and DOS 6.22...can't beat that. I just wish I could get 3.11 in VPC to use my hardware like my PCI wireless cable internet and/or PCI 56k modem...

Heres some links to my 3.1x fun....and cool look

http://www.calmira.de - Calmira is a shell for Windows 3.x so it can have the Windows 95 toolbar and start button. Cool prog.

SysFon - A cool little prog that can change the font style and size of the Title and menu bars. Make em look like Win98 or whatever you want. My opinion is too get a lot of fonts in 3.1x and then make them look like whatever OS text style you like. Windows 3.x comes with like 10 fonts. haha.

MyGroups - Another great program that enables you to change the icons of a program group so they dont have to have that same icon. Sweet as hell!

3xStart - Allows Windows 3.x to be installed on DOS 7.x and a FAT32 partition. Very Useful!!!!!!

Also if you want some abandonware, PM me cuz I have a website that has some and as much as I'd love to post it on Neowin, I respect the rules so PM if u'd like (hope this isnt advertising...if so, im sorry. :blush: )


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Yes it does work.

It only addresses small partitions (maybe up to 2Gb I think)

It only addresses 64Mb of RAM

Drivers are an issue

Go for it... mess about

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haha, that's true.

It won't run on my computer. You can't set compatability setting on it, but it doesn't run at all for me. I think it only sets up groups in the start menu during setup.

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Would Windows 3.1 recognize PC Cards automatically without drivers? Cause when I do get a brand new laptop, I might want to wipe out everything on my current laptop (see specs below) and put on 3.1. Mind ya, 95 still runs fairly decent on it, though. I have seen both 95 and 3.1 running on the same partition before, but I forget how that can be accomplished.

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