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Looking for PHP application


I just got into PHP script coding (last night actually). Found some tutorials and guides and stuff..

I'm looking for (if there is) a program that...I code my codes into.

like there is Microsoft Visual Basic for visual basic, or Bordland Delphi..for delphi. stuff like that. Does anyone know?

Do I just plop the codes right into with the HTML and it will work without a hitch (assuming I coded correctly :p)



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PHP is all text, so notepad or Allaire Homesite.

Once your code is done, you need PHP to "compile" your scripts into html. Therefore, set up your web server (your probably using IIS,) and install php, then when a request is sent to the server for a .php file, it asks php.exe to return HTML... Thats what it is in a nutshell, its not quite like that, but think of it that way. BTW: PHP is a good choice ;)

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I'm a PHP junkie and use it for scripts whenever possible (bloody clients using ASP only servers, grrr) - but I recommend Perl.

I'd like to learn Perl and I intend to start soon. It's more powerful and flexible than PHP and there is more support and such available. PHP does have it's advantages - it's designed for database integration so it's slightly better for database heavy sites. However, overall I suggest Perl for a scripting language.

Also, just to be pedantic, it's not compiled into HTML - it's interpreted :)

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