Kerry gives kids "the finger"

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Since our standard as to what is open to debate has obviously declined, I thought we ought to be fair and balanced. :laugh:

Although I have no liberal blogs to link to, we have a nice Conservative source for this one...

Ted Sampley, a former Green Beret who served two full tours in Vietnam, spotted Kerry and his Secret Service detail at about 9:00 a.m. Monday morning at the Wall. Sampley walked up to Kerry, extended his hand and said, ?Senator, I am Ted Sampley, the head of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, and I am here to escort you away from the Wall because you do not belong here.?

At that point a Secret Service officer told Sampley to back away from Kerry. Sampley moved about 6 feet away and opened his jacket to reveal a HANOI JOHN T-shirt.

Kerry then began talking to a group of schoolchildren. Sampley then showed the T-shirt to the children and said, ?Kerry does not belong at the Wall because he betrayed the brave soldiers who fought in Vietnam.?

Just then Kerry - in front of the school children, other visitors and Secret Service agents - brazenly ?flashed the bird? at Sampley and then yelled out to everyone, ?Sampley is a felon!?

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Since our standard as to what is open to debate has obviously declined, I thought we ought to be fair and balanced. :laugh:

Although I have no liberal blogs to link to, we have a nice Conservative source for this one...


Yep, that's what I remeber seeing. I guess if a blog is a valid source of news then so is NewsMax. :D

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Big whoop. What that guy did by coming up to that is classless anyway. Cheney barks cuss-words, Kerry flips the bird. Big whoop. He should have punched the jerk.

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Big freaking deal. That guy was a jackass. I guess they give purple hearts to just anybody, right?

Well, I can understand him being mad at Kerry, given all the anti-war crap that he did when he got back, but invading his personal space is just crap and classless. If you don't like Kerry because he turned into Hanoi-John, fine, have rally's, write editorials, letters to the editor, take out TV ads, whatever. It is ok to debate the merits of Kerry and him possibly playing both sides of the fence with his war medals and stuff. Just don't get up in the guys face in a public place.

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Title is misleading.

That's what election campaigns are about, misleading the people about the other party. Whether it is done by an official party or by the local Neowin Puppet Theatre, doesn't matter.

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That's what election campaigns are about, misleading the people about the other party. Whether it is done by an official party or by the local Neowin Puppet Theatre, doesn't matter.

Good point. One reason I hate politics. Newspapers can slant the perception of an article just by tweaking the title of an article. Freakin' politics. (N)

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There's no proof Kerry did anything .  The title could be "Kerry eats dead fetuses" for all that it matters.

That was the point of the thread, it has as much validity as the other one where the anti-bushies are jumping all over it.

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That was the point of the thread, it has as much validity as the other one where the anti-bushies are jumping all over it.

Well, you won't see me jumping up and down over that one, just yet. :blink: :unsure:

EDIT: It helps when ya add your pronouns in, Fotix. :laugh:

Edited by Fotix
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But, as Fotix said, theres no photo on this one

look in the back window...squint just a little


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what are we looking at? that photoshopped kerry bumper sticker?

Kerry peeping out the window of his campaign bus flipping someone off...c'mon you don't see it?

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Kerry peeping out the window of his campaign bus flipping someone off...c'mon you don't see it?

HAHA, I knew republicans were cruel, but you ain't right my friend, HAHA

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Kerry peeping out the window of his campaign bus flipping someone off...c'mon you don't see it?



that's great.... now that you mention it... i do see the smile on his face :) :laugh: :laugh:

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lmfao at that freakin bus! Aw sh!t, I got a tear coming out one eye.

edit: just looked at it again. that is damn funny. thanks for the laugh.

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