Your Mac Hardware Setup

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Ugh, you should have gotten a MBP.

It's definitely worth the extra money.

Why? Is it because you can get a little faster processor? The only reason I see one choosing a Macbook Pro over a Macbook is because they need a larger screen ( 15"/17" vs 13,3" ) or/and a better graphics card.

Well for me the 8600M GT and the 15" screen sold me, also the ability to upgrade to 4GB of ram.

I had a 17" Core Duo but it was just too big.

You can get the Macbooks with 4Gb now so that's one issue less. The other (screen and graphics) are a personal matter. :)

My really poor setup at the moment


Currently living with my fiancee's mum while we wait for all the surveying work to go through on our first home together.

My fiancee is gonna get herself an iMac when we move in (and the specs update which I hear is this month) and I'm gonna treat myself to a MacBook Pro when the new form-factors are out (thanks to a little freelance work).

Just wanted to say a quick thank-you to those that offered a compliment about my setup.

And to to owners of current-gen iMacs: I'm jealous. ;) I'll upgrade soon enough, though.

I would have posted this earlier, but I was "away" from Neowin for a bit, busy pondering over the reasons I favour Apple products so heavily over those offered by the competition, and after being a staunch Windows supporter for years. Turns out I'm really not able to keep an open mind about other products unless they're actually vastly better than what Jobs and Co. offer currently. Given my current level of satisfaction, I'm OK with that. ;)


See signature for details!!





I'm just got the desk about a month ago and it's about to go for a Bush series corner desk with hutch if i can't find storage and filing cabinets to go with it. It's my home office (where i do personal work, run my own business, and i'm basically OCD when it comes to organzing and keeping it clean) and I feel like its my dorm room. The mous pad WAS a corepad XXXL until i cut it down. It was just too big. I was able to make 4 pads out of it (3 regular and one large one that i'm using).

i already posted that answer (its in the mac hardware show your desktop), but no...i didn't. i always go through memoryamerica for my ram because they are the lowest price and with my company i run i get an even better deal. they retail their 800mhz ecc-fb ram @ ABOUT $60 a gig. isn't bad at about $65 a gig.

i didn't even notice the sig was that big i've seen people with pictures and letters that were as big or bigger.

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