Computer shops in Taipei, Taiwan.

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Hi, I have a family member who is in Taiwan atm, and he has agreed to grab me some computer gear as I am told that it is much cheaper than it is in New Zealand.

So, if any of you people out there who have been to or know of Taipei, are there any good computer shops there, if so could I please have their locations and their website address (if there is one).

I have also been told that the COmputer markets are well worth checking out. Do any of you know where these are held ?

Thanks in advance.

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I live in New Zealand too, as I stated in the first post.

If I wanted parts from NZ, I would go to the shop down the road from me and buy them. I just don't happen to like Dick Smith's.

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I remember shopping for computer parts in Taipei before. The prices were awesome and the amount of vendors there was pretty funny.

Basically it was a big marketplace area and because everyone was so squished together, you could get some real good bargains. Don't like the price of something? Take your business elsewhere and chances are, the vendor next to where you were had already heard your plight and would bring his price down so you would buy from him.

I think I went to the Nova place with my cousins that Hum was talking about. It's been literally years (about 5) since I've been back to Taiwan but I remember that name.

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