Free Breast Implants from the US Government

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The U.S. Army has long lured recruits with the slogan "Be All You Can Be," but now soldiers and their families can receive plastic surgery, including breast enlargements, on the taxpayers' dime.

The New Yorker magazine reports in its July 26th edition that members of all four branches of the U.S. military can get face-lifts, breast enlargements, liposuction and nose jobs for free -- something the military says helps surgeons practice their skills.

"Anyone wearing a uniform is eligible," Dr. Bob Lyons, chief of plastic surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio told the magazine, which said soldiers needed the approval of their commanding officers to get the time off.

Between 2000 and 2003, military doctors performed 496 breast enlargements and 1,361 liposuction surgeries on soldiers and their dependents, the magazine said.

The magazine quoted an Army spokeswoman as saying, "the surgeons have to have someone to practice on."|reuters.html

Let the flames begin....

Keep it civilized

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I'll sign back up when they start offering penile implants.

Edit: Not that I need one, it's just the only thing they can really offer me since I don't need liposuction or breast implants. Yeah that's it.

Ahh damn.

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The magazine quoted an Army spokeswoman as saying, "the surgeons have to have someone to practice on."

I don't see whats so bad about this. Reconstructive surgery and the military comes hand in hand. So they use comestic surgery as practise, so what ..

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Does size matter? :shifty:

nop not really, its all about the art :p

back on topic: why would the US Government want their female soldiers having bigger breast?!?!?! aint that clumpsy on field :p

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nop not really, its all about the art :p

back on topic: why would the US Government want their female soldiers having bigger breast?!?!?! aint that clumpsy on field :p

There are medical reasons for breast implants, so getting some practice is warranted. Ditto with facial reconstructions. I would be intereted to see just how much this perk gets used, though. I mean, how many procedures need to be done before you are proficient? I fI ever hear of some guys getting butt or calf implants, then I'm writing my Senator. :D

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nop not really, its all about the art :p

back on topic: why would the US Government want their female soldiers having bigger breast?!?!?! aint that clumpsy on field :p

They don't have to buy bullet-proof vests for them, they'd have all the padding they need :p

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I don't see whats so bad about this. Reconstructive surgery and the military comes hand in hand. So they use comestic surgery as practise, so what ..

taxpayers are paying for soldier's cosmetic surgeries, THATS the problem.

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I'll sign back up when they start offering penile implants.

Edit: Not that I need one, it's just the only thing they can really offer me since I don't need liposuction or breast implants. Yeah that's it.

Ahh damn.

if you always wanted man boobs, here's an awesome way to get 'em... plus they will be nice and firm instead of saggy. you'll be a hit at a party :laugh:

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I think this is a great idea...

plastic surgery for our soilders when damaged in the feild...

i mean heck if were removing veteran's benifits, lets at least make them look good...

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I think its great that breasts have the edge over homeless people, war and all the other **** thats going on. :no:

Agreed. :no: They could spend the money on charity at least.

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back on topic: why would the US Government want their female soldiers having bigger breast?!?!?! aint that clumpsy on field :p

So they can lure horny guy's into the military? :shifty:

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taxpayers are paying for soldier's cosmetic surgeries, THATS the problem.

They've already been doing it for years. They've done it since before I even enlisted. So its nothing new.

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"The United States Government: Endorsing superficiality since 2004."

:laugh: and how!

I'll take a 2 breast implants - never know when they may come in useful. :shifty:

I just thought of another reason or two for and against the breast implants

+ Will make the U.S. Army Women look like Tomb Raider Clones - Will therefore bedazzle the enemy

+ Will make driving a Hummer safer - built in air bags

+ No more bullet proof vests required - those tittas will stop anything (nearly as well as a bullet proof vest)

- Desert heat may make the implants burst - Funny (yes), Good for morale (probably not)

:laugh: This thread belongs in J + FS. :laugh: :laugh:

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Its for practicing surgeory. How else are they going to get volunteers? The military just won't point out someone and make them risk mutilation for the sake of practice, at least not anymore. If they didn't do this then more money would be spent on practicing on animals, also it'd get people ****ed off about that too.

So stop whining about it or let them practice replacing some monkey's kneecaps or something. The money would be spent for the practice one way or another, this is just a good solution.

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Its for practicing surgery? When is an army doctor going to need to put in breast implants in a war zone :huh:

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Its for practicing surgery? When is an army doctor going to need to put in breast implants in a war zone :huh:

Its not like they are practicing to put breast implants in, they are practicing surgeory in general...

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