[VS] Aero Glass

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This is my first post here on Neowin, my second visual style,... im the original creator of Plex Style MCE that Windows X includes in his LTP's latly i have been looking high and low for an Longhorn Aero theme and it seems that black gloss is realy in season so i got off my lazy arse and with help from Windows X created my Aero Glass, i have not yet receaved permition as to wether i can releace it or not yet and have also heard word that Windows X is working on his own varient but i thought i may tingle your taste buds with a screenshot,... if people dont like it i wont releace it at all so no need for permision to use it my self...

Edit: Link below

Edit: Fixed Captionbar Gradient, still working on CaptionButtons,... though i like them :blink:

Edit: Fixed CaptionButtons (finaly) enjoy

Edit: Added Regular sized taskbar, darkened menu items

*Link Removed* till ferther notice


Edited by Corporal_Clegg
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wow, this looks good!

welcome to neowin btw!!

1 crit: those min/max/close buttons are a bit large

1 question: does this come with a full or compact start menu?

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Looks good. Although, there are a few discrepancies. I'm sure that'll be fixed soon.

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Looks good but I think it's in the wrong forum.. Should be in ' W.I.P. '..
The visual style is compleated,... just waiting on permition to post it,... dont want to upset my dear friend
the cap. buttons seam a litle big

yeah they are big,... still trying to work on reducing them whilst keeping them looking nice,... ;)

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1 question: does this come with a full or compact start menu?

the menu hasent been changed from Jade so its full (wanted to keep it original)

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Just one suggestion, there is a little outline around the caption buttons, it looks really ugly, and it doesn't look intentional.

Great theme. :D

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OK well i have given it some thought and i think people will need to download and use my visual style to come to conclusion about it and it is in the compleated visual style section so i will upload it with out shellstyle so that its small enough to post on here,... i credit Windows X for Slate XP and the Taskbar...

Edit: Have fixed the captionbar gradient


Edited by Corporal_Clegg
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Fantastic! As forum said, the lines around the buttons do look a bit off, and if you could "glass" the gradient I think it would be perfect. I'd use this style!:)

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OK well i have given it some thought and i think people will need to download and use my visual style to come to conclusion about it and it is in the compleated visual style section so i will upload it with out shellstyle so that its small enough to post on here,... i credit Windows X for Slate XP and the Taskbar...

Wow, looks cool on my desk (Y)

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Thanks for the great response everyone,... those caption bars have been ****ing me off for like the past 2 hours i was looking at them from across the room when my grilfriend was over and i wanted to get back to stylebuilder and fix them,... to no avail,... if any one has any sujestions on how to make them smaller but still look sharp and clear and sexy plz feel free to tell me :cool:

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1 crit: those min/max/close buttons are a bit large

I agree.

Fix the min/max/close buttons and it will look realy nice.

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it's not bad... but i agree w/ everyone else... the min/max/X buttons need work.... and the title bar needs something... when i open Firefox or Windows Explorer it distracts me cause it looks like a big black brick at the top of my screen....

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it's not bad... but i agree w/ everyone else... the min/max/X buttons need work.... and the title bar needs something... when i open Firefox or Windows Explorer it distracts me cause it looks like a big black brick at the top of my screen....

sorry about that,... its the original brickyness of the captionbar from jade,... but i ahve smothed it out and it blends alot better now,... thanx for pointing that out i wanted to change it but i was just to lazy

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