[VS] Aero Glass

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Oh, I see now, you're making this s*it up as you go...Jesus, I never thought it was going to have to come to this but


You simply are an egomaniac, piece of s*it. For months, I have helped you via MSN, beta testing your themes, talking to you about problems you are having, but I cannot take this bulls*it anymore.



I'm seriously sick and tired of seeing you here calling people noobs. Look kid, you need to grow up. There is so much flaming in your words now, I just cannot stand it anymore. I don't know what else I can say to you. I can't message you because I know you will complain about 'noobs'. That's all you do know. Stop being so defensive, take YOUR fingers off the keyboard, and go outside.

Take this time....to take a breath of fresh air. Don't reply to this unless you can NOT look like an a**hole. I've tried to not flame you, I've tried my hardest to try and still defend you, but....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Seriously, get the hell out of this topic and just let Corporal Cleg do his work.

Edit: This is |CiN|FuL and my present msn 'name' is ? Mē?hůgg?h. You know how much I've helped you, so now  I hope you finally realize how much of an idiot you look like in these forums.

You're misunderstanding. Let me sort this mess.

1. Corporel Clegg requested me to make Black theme for him but I didn't have time.

2. So he said he'll make one from my Slate. I allowed.

3. After while discussion, I gave him my new Slate.

4. Few days later, I found this thread.

5. I was shocked because he used my new Slate to mod with unpleasent resources that I don't want them to be spread before me. I made new Slate but person who release it first isn't me. Do you understand this feeling?

6. I posted something to make ppl know this theme use my new Slate to mod for sure.

7. Corporel Clegg onlined and talk to me about this. He apologized. I told that's all right. Just remake it from my latest release (Slate 5 from LTP6)

8. He saw my screenshot and requested me to give my work to use. I gave him.

9. Some people who didn't understand what I was trying to say were getting me down.

10. I updated my Aero theme and Corp asked me to have it again yerterday, I gave him.

11. There's no problem between I and Corporel Clegg

12. If you still don't get it, MSN to me. I and Corporel Clegg will clear it for you.

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For noobs in this thread, that's my misunderstanding to think that he wanted to tell me I'm too proud of my work and trying to convict everyone who make something like me. But the truth is I just used large letters. I apologized when I've realized it.

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6. I posted something to make ppl know this theme use my new Slate to mod for sure.

rofl, thats an awesome sentence.

BTW: You do need to get over your themes, they arent exactly works of art (most just look like luna recolors made in paint).

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Guys, please, stop insulting, flaming, and boycotting each other. Nothing will come out of this and we all will go down if we continue with this. Windows X isn't saying his work are pieces of fine art. He just want credit for the theme Corporal_Clegg modded from his own Windows Theme. Windows X, you should also try to calm down a bit. I know, being a victim of Windows Theme stealing/ripping is not good at all (just ask tiger2K), however, when you see such rips, instead of getting all worked up, you should try contacting the stealer/ripper and try to sort things out properly with him first in private.

If we continue with all this, then at the end of the day, we will all become victims of this facre.

Edited by A.K.R.
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If nobody bulges and insists on his position, then I will kindly ask a moderator to lock this thread. Windows X is doing all this just as a hobby, not as a serious job. We already lost some great Windows Themes authors (remember the aftershock and reaction after Bant said that he has quit the theming scene?), and we do not want to lose any more of them.

(Edited for sensitivity)

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That's right, A.K.R.! Problems I'm facing is not problem between I and author but members! I'm sure some members in here don't like me and ready to flame me from everything they think they could. For first posts, they're quite old before chatting with Corporel Clegg. I'm not serious but I thought ppl may think it looks nice because of my new elements not all of his mod so I want to get credit (That's point). But it seems like ppl ignored my all other posts and continue flaming. All I want now is clearing all of the mess like "Windows X is Longhorn theme flamer" or something. That doesn't make sense at all. First, no accusing or flaming in this thread except I and some members not author. Second, they prejudge everything without evidence and ignore some facts I was trying to show them. Last, I paused releasing my works because of messes like this. I don't want to get flamed when I released my works. I may leave this theming world if everything get worse and long to go back.

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For noobs in this thread, that's my misunderstanding to think that he wanted to tell me I'm too proud of my work and trying to convict everyone who make something like me. But the truth is I just used large letters. I apologized when I've realized it.

windowsx shut the f*ck up god your a moron, you think every longhorn theme is ripped off yours, yet youve ripped off of MS now stfu and stop crying god.

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Wtf? Windows why are you flaming? I had higher expectations for you. Calm down. It's a good theme in my opinion, just needs a little more polish... and maturity.

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Oh please everybody, STOP IT!

I'm seeing >41648916318913204165498156140548151541++++++++++++ threads and >15446132432156704610694320471318160481491641491416191614+++++++++++ posts in threads that Windows X started/participated in all flaming him! You see him, and then you just flame him all you want. What the f***ing b******* are you all trying to do here? Please, STOP ALL THIS S*** AT ONCE OR I WILL CALL IN THE MODERATORS TO PUT THE SITUATION UNDER CONTROL BY BANNING ALL OF YOU! GIVE WINDOWS X A BREAK!


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Oh please everybody, STOP IT!

I'm seeing >41648916318913204165498156140548151541++++++++++++ threads and >15446132432156704610694320471318160481491641491416191614+++++++++++ posts in threads that Windows X started/participated in all flaming him! You see him, and then you just flame him all you want. What the f***ing b******* are you all trying to do here? Please, STOP ALL THIS S*** AT ONCE OR I WILL CALL IN THE MODERATORS TO PUT THE SITUATION UNDER CONTROL BY BANNING ALL OF YOU! GIVE WINDOWS X A BREAK!


Thanks, A.K.R. That's the main point. I've made thread about this and cleared this up while ago. But they digged old story like they never read posts. e.g. "I cleared this with Corp", "I didn't flame him", "Corp is my friend so I just want to tell them about my work from accident release", etc. These make me sick because I can't help it. I can't understand why they pick up old post without new posts. Didn't I make it clear enough or you want me to ask Corp to come and explain this for sure?

Edited by Windows X
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Just to note that creamhackered had just shut down the thread titled "Do you guys remember Longhorn misunderstanding?", and by doing so, he has just cleaned up a whole lot of s***. I sent him a PM thanking him for closing that thread over there.

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Just to note that creamhackered had just shut down the thread titled "Do you guys remember Longhorn misunderstanding?", and by doing so, he has just cleaned up a whole lot of s***. I sent him a PM thanking him for closing that thread over there.

Yes. I think so. Looks like I can't help it at all. I started that thread to explain but they didn't listen and ended up with flame.....why... :cry:

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Wtf? Windows why are you flaming? I had higher expectations for you. Calm down. It's a good theme in my opinion, just needs a little more polish... and maturity.

I did not flame at all. let me show my chats log with Corp (It's quite long so I'll copy only important parts)

24/7/2004  11:40:00 AM  TiAG0  ŴįŋĐŏŵŞ X (Ł???fĪăŔ) - http://se-ed.net/windowsx/sweetsong.zip, sweet song I want you to listen to...  i used screenshots and imagination

24/7/2004  11:40:14 AM  TiAG0  ŴįŋĐŏŵŞ X (Ł???fĪăŔ) - http://se-ed.net/windowsx/sweetsong.zip, sweet song I want you to listen to...  but im sorry for posting with out ur permission

24/7/2004  11:40:25 AM  TiAG0  ŴįŋĐŏŵŞ X (Ł???fĪăŔ) - http://se-ed.net/windowsx/sweetsong.zip, sweet song I want you to listen to...  i used your taskbar and startpannel

24/7/2004  11:40:33 AM  ŴįŋĐŏŵŞ X (Ł???fĪăŔ) - http://se-ed.net/windowsx/sweetsong.zip, sweet song I want you to listen to...  TiAG0  That's all right. All I need is remaking it from Slate that comes with LTP6.

24/7/2004  11:40:48 AM  ŴįŋĐŏŵŞ X (Ł???fĪăŔ) - http://se-ed.net/windowsx/sweetsong.zip, sweet song I want you to listen to...  TiAG0  And say it's modded from my Slate.

Did I flame? There's no problem unless member come to read my old posts without consideration and bash me something. In fact, I've already made this so far but he just can't wait for my theme so he decided to make one. I've sent him my works now so there's no problem at all.

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WindowsX, as far as I've seen he has credited you. Now quit f*cking around and leave peoples Longhorn threads alone.

That happened after my posts. Forget it and trust me, it's nothing at all. Corp and I are fine with this but you aren't. You just don't understand it.

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ok i have had enough, no more flaming, nether me or windows x are arguing about this, im currently using his aero ui wich i have helped him with ideas for, this visual style i created was made by me using his resorces an a few of mine to show him in wich direction i wish for aero ui to go in, at the time i created this he had allready finished his project but not posted it, i anderstand his adgiation that i posted parts of his unreleaced work. i HAVE credited him for this, WE have sorted this matter out, windows x is not the owner of any longhorn resorces but becouse i used an allready compiled msstlyle file that he had created and modifide it he doserves credit for what he ahs done,... that does not disscredit me form any of my work, i think windows x is miss understod,... he cna come across as arogant but he has the right to in my opinion he has done alot of work in regardes to making longhorn based visual styles and he does a good job at it, i would like to see him continue doing so and i would hope that every one can give him that chance,... we do these stuff for you, if you dont like longhorn inspired visual styles then there are plenty of other talanted creators of other fabulus themes please do not flame blindly at people like windows x, that just shows ignorance and childishness, neo win is a comunity effort we are here to help one and other

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