China stages 'invasion' as warning to Taiwan

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The most aggressive practice run to be staged by China for an invasion of Taiwan is terrifying the inhabitants of a tiny archipelago in the South China Sea.

The P'eng-hu Islands, which lie in crystal clear waters between Taiwan and mainland China, have been identified by Beijing as the first stepping-stone for an all-out assault on Taiwan, which governs the islands.


The Taiwan army limbers up during live-fire exercises

Last week, China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) massed over the horizon to prepare a fearsome demonstration of its power - using 18,000 seaborne troops to launch a mock invasion of Communist-controlled Dongshan island, a part of China's Fujian province, 170 miles to the south-west.

Such war games are an annual event, but this year's exercise has a chilling intent. China's Communist mouthpiece, the People's Daily newspaper, declared: "This year's military exercise is a substantial warning to Taiwan's independence elements" - a reference to Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian, who plans constitutional changes to which China objects.

In the event of an invasion, the People's Daily added, "the PLA would immediately take the P'eng-hu Islands, forming an outpost position to control Taiwan island".

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Heh. Taiwan has a president who is so radical that he rigs elections, might have had himself shot to win, and openly professes independence. Add to that the U.S's professed will to assist in keeping Taiwan autonomous, and Chinese announcements that it will go to war to keep Taiwan from independence even at the cost of war with the U.S, and you have a bright future.

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From what i heard, last week the US had an "excersize" with 7 air craft carriers in preperation for an invasion. They already running outta reserves just for iraq alone... That could be one hell of a war.

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