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Step 1. Download the Windows Media Player 10 Technical Beta installer and save it to your hard disk

Step 2. Extract the contents of the installer using a program such as WinZip or WinRAR. Extract them to anywhere you wish.

Step 3. Open the new folder containing the extracted files.

Step 4. Sekect all the INF files EXCEPT "WMP10.INF". Right click and choose install. If asked to restart, click No.

Step 5. Right click on WMP10.INF and click Install.

Step 6. Click Start > Run, and type "Regedit".

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Software\MediaPlayer\Setup\InstalledVersions.

You will see three DWORD keys called "wmp.dll", "wmplayer.dll", and "wmploc.dll".

Change the value of all three keys to:

00 00 0A 00 91 0D 00 00

Step 7. Run Windows Media Player. You should now see a screen welcoming you to Windows Media Player 10.

Thanks to PressAnyKey at HWG for posting this and Nighthawk of Next l3vel.


Edited by nite2kx

who0o0o0 woot woot


you people are great

what can i say. l33t lol

next time ill try not to screw my system up so you woint have to fix it.

lol just incase anyones wondering

if you screw up installing uninstalling media player and it wont let you reinstall wmp 9 or 10

then use this method and you got wmp back. woot woot

thanks again

  neostyle said:
wow u managed to get some crappy alpha media player running on a crappy alpha os .....

Dude if your gonna bitch & moan at least get your facts right. WMP10 is not in alpha, it is actually "Windows Media Player 10 Technical Beta"

Thank You

  nite2kx said:
Dude if your gonna bitch & moan at least get your facts right. WMP10 is not in alpha, it is actually "Windows Media Player 10 Technical Beta"

Thank You

so whats the difference between a "technical beta" and an alpha release. some may call it 0.00001 release .if ms would call it "final" i'm sure u would believe it ... :rofl:

neostyle: Stop being such a jerk and realise you were wrong. A technical beta is not an alpha. Loser! And hey, if longhorn and wmp10 are not your cup of tea, then just don't enter the thread! K? K! And Aplha calls you an idiot, you're an idiot. And he's from MK, so he's fine by me!

On topic: Cool, glad to see that features are coming along niely. I have stopped installing Longhorn versions, as I needed the spare PC for something else, so I rely upon the news here.

  njlouch said:
neostyle: Stop being such a jerk and realise you were wrong.  A technical beta is not an alpha.  Loser!  And hey, if longhorn and wmp10 are not your cup of tea, then just don't enter the thread!  K? K!  And Aplha calls you an idiot, you're an idiot.  And he's from MK, so he's fine by me!

if u dont have any arguments u are getting personal . yeah sure ....

u can call me whatever u want ,i dont see any value in runnig wmp alpha oh sorry technical beta on lh 4074

I do have an arguement. This is here to discuss WMP10 on Longhorn. If you don't like either of those, why enter the thread. Loser.

And there is a point - the point is BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN. People have an interest in the technology, and this is a forum for people interested in technology. Retard!

  njlouch said:
I do have an arguement. This is here to discuss WMP10 on Longhorn. If you don't like either of those, why enter the thread. Loser.

And there is a point - the point is BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN. People have an interest in the technology, and this is a forum for people interested in technology. Retard!

:rofl: :woot:

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