Doom III is out there! W00T!

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Does anyone have any links to any good screenshots (official or unofficial) of this game? I've seen a fair few and I have not really been impressed, so I am assuming/ hoping that all the screenshots I have seen have been from rather bad computers.

I know that graphics do not matter as much as gameplay, but with all this fusss about how this game will have arguably the best graphics for any game at this time, I'd like to see what all the fuss is about and see a screenshot that actually does this game justice.

Thanks :)

if you seriously think that you are either stupid or blind

so which one is it?

I think I may be both, actually, but I was being sarcastic. The game looks absolutely brilliant.

I assumed you guys would be able to tell I was joking...

Is there any way in the world that this game could be put down?

Does anyone have any links to any good screenshots (official or unofficial) of this game? I've seen a fair few and I have not really been impressed, so I am assuming/ hoping that all the screenshots I have seen have been from rather bad computers.

I know that graphics do not matter as much as gameplay, but with all this fusss about how this game will have arguably the best graphics for any game at this time, I'd like to see what all the fuss is about and see a screenshot that actually does this game justice.

Thanks :)

Looks like Half-Life calibre graphics from those shots.


Shame id aren't still doing shareware first episode downloads! I've got it on pre-order with Amazon, but I'm in the UK, so it's a week until it's released and then the time for Amazon to ship it...damn, looks like i'll be hanging out on supernova and irc for the next few days!

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