August Desktops

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My 1337th post :devil: :devil: :devil:

Style: HmmXP

WP: Dont know where I found it

Apps: Winpulse, IE

Love is one big complicated puzzle.

If the pieces fit, you are in true love.

If they dont,it's time to move on


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On Aqua-Soft there is a revolutionary feature on the site. It's called Search. Remarkably, it is very very similar to the Search feature at Neowin!

// Lou

could you be more helpful...i did a search and i got this

i see nothing has anything to do with a y'z toolbar hack. So if anyone knows a link could you please post it, i may be over looking it. :)

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@Labtec: could i get that wallpaper please? :D

Xavier- those Icons I got from hein's friend (basically all of hein's icons on his site that never were released), he never released it to public I don't think so I don't know if I can send them to you. The visual style is Inspirat by Stefanka and you should find it in the finished themes section.

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