August Desktops

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Also couldn't resist showing off a new application I'm writing. It is a battery monitor (duh) application that is able to display the time/percentage left on the battery of your laptop, it can display the remaining time even if your laptops BIOS doesn't support that feature (neat huh ;) ). Besides that it is fully skinnable.

When and where are you going to release it? I'm interested!

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I wasn't in the mood to create a fullsize image and a thumbnail, so I just made the screenshot itself small. It's pretty basic, so a huge image is really kind of pointless. Anyway, you can pretty much guess the details - it's all pretty much standard.

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My ugly desktop

I really haven't done anything to it. Pondering what I should do and... I'm really a noob to technicalities and don't wanna bog my system down with a VS that sucks up a lot of memory.

Edited by Dio
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Ha! Mine at the moment shows 7C.. :)

Nice desktops all..

OK.... I'll post some info about my latest SS ... If you forgot, click link in sig..

VS = Inset Check out BMWCHUBB'S Visual Styles.. He's got some really nice ones..

Icons = Umicons by Mattahan Vol 1,2,3,4

Wallpaper = By me using the Inset colors and the image from a SS from Mike's Config @, The car is in this zipfile..

Apps = All the usual suspects.. :)

Thanks to all who posted some comments. I appretiate it!!


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