August Desktops

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Wait....yep it was thought about and decided on my part not to edit. as you can see by how long I've been a member and my massive amount of post that I just spam it up.


this thread is post locked, so I don't see the difference in what you're talking about

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My area of expertise... nope, no transparency support in component windows. :( At least not definable by the skinner, you can Ctrl + right-click anywhere and set transparency for the entire skin, but I know that's not what you want.

EDIT, that design does look mighty fine though, get in touch with me if you need any assistance with the coding. :)

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hey rpeterclark, I'm always amazed by your signature! have you ever considered making a visualstyle out of it? by the layout of it I'm sure it would be possible and would look very good! you know, the buttons on the top right call for becoming captionbuttons... :)

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hey rpeterclark, I'm always amazed by your signature! have you ever considered making a visualstyle out of it? by the layout of it I'm sure it would be possible and would look very good! you know, the buttons on the top right call for becoming captionbuttons... :)

Thanks Stylez! :) I've indeed considered it, but free time is my biggest problem. It remains a possibility though!

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So I have been waiting for the September thread for the past 3 hours, and it's still not posted?

In some of us it's not September yet. I think the new thread will be posted as soon as it's September in the responsible mod's country. :happy:

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