First Post - The Resurrection!

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Everyone should treasure their first post (Y)

Think i might re-open mine :rofl:

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First post, reopened :)

I wonder if this does anything to the board :s

Now Now Now, even admin's aren't above the rules:

Resurrecting old forum posts is also not appreciated unless it serves a worthy cause to the forum.

I think that deserves a +20% warn right there :p

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Ohh legendary, I feel so honored posting in here aswell. :)

My first post was about having problems installing the Longhorn Transformation Pack, lolz.

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I like to think of this as the deflowering of Neowin.

:shifty: Kinda.

"Who controls the past now controls the future..."

Don't spam the historic thread. :p

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wait how come in the URL it says showtopic=2. if this is the first topic, shouldn't it say 1? What does this mean????

Topic 1 is a test topic IPB creates on install. The first real topic will always be 2 :)

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ah man ... my first post and LAME ... about MSN 9 *LOL*

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