Is my Mac Address correct?

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I did ipconfig /all on my PC and it said the Physical Address is all zero' that correct? I thought all Mac Addresses were a combination of numbers and letters. The other PC's on my network are all like that. Can anyone help?


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I don't think so cause there is a separate line for "Physical Address" and a separate line for "IP Address"

My Ip address is fine as it is the one assigned by my server after I reserved it so I still don't know why my Physical Address reads 00-00-00-00-00-00

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@matt11601, check if you have Internet Protocol TCP/IP installed

Are you replying to us using the computer that doesnt show the MAC address?

Windows 2000 / NT/XP (Home and Pro):

* Click Start / Run, then type CMD in the run box and press enter.

* Type in ipconfig/all at the prompt and press the Enter key.

* On the screen displayed locate the line labeled

* Host Name - this is your computer name (you may need to scroll up to view)

* Physical Address - The number to the right of this is your physical address. Note: An example of a valid address is 00-09-73-AF-CA-1C.

(NOTE: if you see all zero this is not a valid address and you will need to pick a different network card)

Source: How to locate the Physical Address

Linux command is ifconfig

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Yes, the computer the I am using to type this message is the comp w/o a MAC Address.

My Host name is correct as it reads "basement" and this is the name I use to identify it on the network

You think I need a new NIC Card?

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You probably do, try this. Go to command prompt window and type:


See what you get

edit: from command prompt also try this:

arp -a

Source: CodeGuru: Three way to get your MAC Address

An interesting way to discover what MAC addresses you know of other people on your network is to type ARP -a in a command prompt and you should get a listing that is similar to this.

Interface: --- 0x2

Internet Address Physical Address Type 00-20-78-d9-5c-b3 dynamic 00-50-ba-b3-55-ec dynamic 00-a0-cc-7a-7d-6d dynamic

Edited by EZRecovery
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typing nbtstat -a <machinename> gives me a MAC ADDRESS but it's all zeros

typing getmac gives me all zero's

typing arp -a gives me MAC ADDRESSES but for my router and my server

man this is one frustrating problem

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For some NICs you can set the MAC address in the device manager ('Advanced' tab). There is also a freeware tool (forgot the name) which allows you to change your MAC address.

Anyway I wouldn't worry about it as long as you don't have another NIC like that in your network. Since you are behind a router and everything works fine you don't really need a valid(unique) MAC address.

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Well see I am wondering if this is causing some problems...I currently cannot FTP to my XBOX from this machine (but I can with other comps on the network) and I cannot use EZShare with my ATI AIW card to share the TV accross the network

Edit: Since i couldn't ftp to my xbox or share TV on the network I started checking my system for something that may be wrong and this is when I found that I don't have a MAC ADDRESS and was wondering if this was the problem related to my xbox and sharing tv

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