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WinRAR Interface Patch


(?`?._.?[Current Status: WinRAR 3.40 GUI Patch v1.0 Released / WinRAR 3.41 GUI Patch v1.1 Pending]?._.???)(?`?._.?[Last Update (posted below): Update #17 (11/07/2004)]?._.???)[/b>UPDATE #17: WinRAR 3.41 GUI Patch v1.1 coming soon :Dith a bonus :D)!bonus UPDATE #16: Announcing the release of the WinRAR 3.40 GUI Patch v1.0 (English only at this time)!

Neowin member 'DanyBoss' has submitted the WinRAR 3.40 GUI Patch v1.0 to Softpedia!:cool:se vote :cool:.


MD5 hash: 01fb46eb96a81138040894ca3d04fbe5

Neowin member 'B3AN' provided the initial mirrors for distribution here (reported to have generated over 40GBs of traffic before B3AN had to remove it!) and here!

Additional mirrors contributed by outstanding Neowin members:

Provided by Neowin member 'nekrosoft13'

Provided by Neowin member 'Larney'

Provided by Neowin member 'harleydog'

Provided by Neowin member 'jmc777'

Provided by Neowin member 'Shilohw'

Provided by Neowin member 'oqwarrior'

Provided by Neowin member 'Ryan92'

Provided by Neowin member 'amoeba'

Provided by Neowin member 'war'

Provided by Neowin member 'war'

Provided by Neowin member 'StOrM'

Provided by Neowin member 'paradise'

Provided by Neowin member 'TheDarkKnight'

Provided by Neowin member 'Rabbai'

Provided by Neowin member 'The Burning Rom'

Provided by Neowin member 'Shaidar'

Provided by Neowin member 'KZWings'

Provided by Neowin member 'Danrarbc641'


Please mirror the file if you can (since I have become overloaded with PMs, please resend me a message if you can mirror the file). More mirrors will be posted to this thread as they become available.available.

Original postings (outdated):

Greetings fellow Neowinians.

I wanted to announce this when I had proper permission from everyone to actually release it, but with all of the recent talk regarding the WinRAR GUI I might as well post the information.

I have been working on a small WinRAR GUI patch based on FOOOD's icons. It began as a private project, but as it progressed, I thought about the possibility of releasing it. The patcher (GUI-based) weighs in at around 270 KB and currently works on the 3.40 B3/4 releases.

This required more time than anything, but I will release it if I can secureUPDATE #1: Eugene Roshal from WinRAR has given his permission. Thanks Eugene.neUPDATE #2: FOOOD from FOOOD's Icons has given his permission. FOOOD is sending me some tweaks to be implemented in the released version. Look for such a release following soon after. I will also contact Eugene Roshal to try to determine an estimated release date for 3.40 final, as only supporting the final version would be much easier. Thanks FOOOD.ODUPDATE #3: WinRAR 3.40 final is not expected until an estimated mid-September (get those last bug reports in!). After I receive the updated components from FOOOD, I will decide how to proceed.o UPDATE #4: FOOOD's updates:yes: arrived :yes:. I think everyone will be quite pleased. I will get to work :cool:ng them :cool:.emUPDATE #5: Screenshot previews using FOOOD's updates added as images #7 and #8 below. Please note that these are not final, as there are still images to replace (such as the arrows, disk drive, key, etc.). The main buttons are at, what effectively is, 36x36. I am trying to find a work around to this limitation right now. These icons really start looking great at 48x48, but they REALLY begin shining at 64 x 64. They are fantastically detailed and of typical FOOOD quality. I really want to show that off. tUPDATE #6: The icon size limitation I alluded to in UPDATE #5 :yes:xed! :yes:. I want to thank Eugene Roshal from WinRAR for taking a second out of working on 3.40 Final to send me some hints on this issue. If you use WinRAR on a regular basis, please register and support them. Also, if you enjoy all of the work FOOOD contributes for FREE to the community, please consider donating a little som:cool: to him :cool:.imUPDATE #7: I attached four more screenshots below to wet your appetite. I also moved the 'Alpha/Concept' screenshots into links for our modem viewers. When the patch is released, you will have a choice of which pixel size icons work best for you. The exact options have yet to be finalized, although 48 (shown below in the new screenshots), 64 (also shown below in the new screenshots), and 72 pixel versions :De safe bets :D. This way, you can tailor the interface more to your preference. More to follow... fUPDATE #8: I MIGHT release this patch for B6 so some foks can test it out (if I am satisfied with it, and FOOOD passes his final approval). I added five new screenshots below and moved older ones to links. 'B3' has a few toolbar icon updates, context icons, file icons, 'About' picture. More to follow... fUPDATE #9: I posted a small update here. More to follow... fUPDATE #10: I just had my power restored following Hurricane Frances. I will have to catch up on the thread. Attached a few screenshots of 'Beta 4' below. More to follow... fUPDATE #11: We are still ;)rking on it ;). WinRAR is getting new 'SFX' and 'Recovery' file icons, as well as tweaked toolbar and context menu icons:cool:y tuned :cool:.edUPDATE #12: Okay folks, here is the deal. FOOOD and I are in totally different time zones. When I am awake, he is asleep (and vice versa). This makes turn-around time on 'suggestions/receiving new files' a bit long sometimes.

We are adding a few more cool things at the last minute, so I think everyone will be quite happy with it.

Thanks again for all of the comments...I know you folks want to play with it and we are trying our best to get it out.


UPDATE #13: As this patch has progressed, we have continuously identified areas we could improve/expand upon. Although we are open to additional tweaking in the future, we want this to be as complete as possible right out the door. The enthusiasm in this thread has been (and currently is) great to see and is most definitely a motivation to make you folks as happy as possible with the finished 'product'.

Instead of a rush job, we want to make sure we implement the highest quality artwork in all areas of WinRAR. As FOOOD mentioned, time sometimes becomes a constraint. While this project has taken longer than originally anticipated, its scope of coverage has also increased over what was originally planned. Let it be known that we are working to the best of our ability to make this happen as soon as we can, with the highest quality possible. pUPDATE #14: As FOOOD mentioned, additions to the patch are complete. All that remains is writing/organizing the copyright text, completing the Readme, and compiling together the patcher executable. We are in th;)homestretch ;). reUPDATE #15: Greetings folks. The complete download package has been sent off to FOOOD for his final approval and posting. It weighs in at 3.82 MB, which includes several file type icons created by FOOOD, documentation, and, of course:Dthe patches :D. Hold tight..ldUPDATE #16: Announcing the release of the WinRAR 3.40 GUI Patch v1.0 (English only at this time)!

Neowin member 'DanyBoss' has submitted the WinRAR 3.40 GUI Patch v1.0 to Softpedia!:cool:se vote :cool:.


MD5 hash: 01fb46eb96a81138040894ca3d04fbe5

Neowin member 'B3AN' provided the initial mirrors for distribution here (reported to have generated over 40GBs of traffic before B3AN had to remove it!) and here!

Additional mirrors contributed by outstanding Neowin members:

Provided by Neowin member 'nekrosoft13'

Provided by Neowin member 'Larney'

Provided by Neowin member 'harleydog'

Provided by Neowin member 'jmc777'

Provided by Neowin member 'Shilohw'

Provided by Neowin member 'oqwarrior'

Provided by Neowin member 'Ryan92'

Provided by Neowin member 'amoeba'

Provided by Neowin member 'war'

Provided by Neowin member 'war'

Provided by Neowin member 'StOrM'

Provided by Neowin member 'paradise'

Provided by Neowin member 'TheDarkKnight'

Provided by Neowin member 'Rabbai'

Provided by Neowin member 'The Burning Rom'

Provided by Neowin member 'Shaidar'

Provided by Neowin member 'KZWings'

Provided by Neowin member 'Danrarbc641'

Please mirror the file if you can (since I have become overloaded with PMs, please resend me a message if you can mirror the file). More mirrors will be posted to this thread as they become available.available.

Thanks again for the great co:happy: folks :happy:.

________________________________Eye candy:Ey'Alpha/Concept' screenshots (outdated) (moved to links fo:)modem users :)):)):













________________________________'Beta 1' screenshots (outdated) (moved to links fo:)modem users :)):)):

7) [Luna]



________________________________'Beta 2' screenshots (outdated) (Only 48x48 and 64x64 pixel versions are shown!;);):





________________________________'Beta 3' screenshots (outdated):d):






________________________________'Beta 4' screenshots (current):t):




Edited by SentientPC
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Can anyone else confirm these issues on their install of Win2k?  Has anyone tried this patch on any other Windows version besides 2k/xp?  What were the results?



Yeah, I used it on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise and it worked perfectly. I talked with you earlier about the XP problem with the pixellated icon for SFX's, but there's none of that on 2003.

I still dunno what's up with the pixellated icon for me. The behavior was the same b4 I even applied the patch. I didn't mean to leave out that info, but I'll include it now! :rolleyes: :whistle:

Anyway, the SFX icon looks better on 2003, but I'm using the same theme on XP and 2003 for the time being...so who knows. Not a biggie anyway, as I almost always change the icon for my SFX files through the advanced SFX creator anyway. :cool:

On an OT note:

I'd mirror it on my site, but I don't know that you guys need my mirror anyways. If you do, lemme know. I will include it for FTP as well as HTTP.

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u shouldnt have cracked software n00b, & if u do, atleast dont post about it


no offence but most people have at least one piece of cracked softare on their PC...

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If you read through this thread you'll see the missing 48x48 size for SFX files is a WinRAR issue. We haven't forgotten it, it's not possible to add a 48x48 version at this time.

This is because Eugene (WinRAR) wanted to keep the file sizes down to a minimum, so they left out the 48x48 icon size to save a few Kbs of space. Hopefully something can be sorted out in the future.


Well I know nothing about patching but its definitely possible to add new sizes to winrar.exe thru res editors, see:


Would you please publish the two icons that are missing in 48x48 pixels? (sfx and recovery volumes -the rar books with the medikit in front-), maybe add them to the winrar docs icon pack in all sizes?

@SentientPC: have u considered making a full winrar installer instead of a patch? it would be easier for most folks specially when installing/reinstalling.

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Well I know nothing about patching but its definitely possible to add new sizes to winrar.exe thru res editors, see:?

You cannot add an icon size to WinRAR that it does not internally support already. You could add all sorts of icon sizes, but if WinRAR doesn't internally support those sizes (ie even know they exist or where to use them), then it really doesn't matter. The sizes currently included are the only sizes currently supported by the application.

Would you please publish the two icons that are missing in 48x48 pixels? (sfx and recovery volumes -the rar books with the medikit in front-), maybe add them to the winrar docs icon pack in all sizes?

It wouldn't matter, as 48 x 48 (for those particular icons where we didn't include a 48 x 48 version) is not internally supported by WinRAR at this time.

@SentientPC: have u considered making a full winrar installer instead of a patch? it would be easier for most folks specially when installing/reinstalling.


Currently, we are only authorized to do it in patch form (ie no full file versions released, just binary patches).

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You cannot add an icon size to WinRAR that it does not internally support already.  You could add all sorts of icon sizes, but if WinRAR doesn't internally support those sizes (ie even know they exist or where to use them), then it really doesn't matter.  The sizes currently included are the only sizes currently supported by the application.

It wouldn't matter, as 48 x 48 (for those particular icons where we didn't include a 48 x 48 version) is not internally supported by WinRAR at this time.


Sorry but I'm afraid you are wrong, the icons present in the executable are not used by the own app, but by the windows shell which extracts them for display using the best match for your current visual settings (f.e. small 16x16 icons at 256 colors, 48x48 pixels at true color with alpha blending...); if the file doesnt contain the needed resource it uses the closest match.

Maybe you tried with the sfx module and found it didnt worked but thats because the winrar sfx module is compressed with upx so its not easily editable unless you use something like PE Explorer or download the uncompressed sfx modules from winrar.

See for urself, I replaced the recovery volumes and the sfx icons with a couple of random icons from the crystal set, now I'd do the same if the icandy variations were available in 48x48 ... :cool:


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I have a real corp copy at work. No its not called corp. The one flooting around the net is warz and pre registered as allready stated.

But the real one works fine.


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I have a real corp copy at work. No its not called corp. The one flooting around the net is warz and pre registered as allready stated.

But the real one works fine.



Hahah, yes because "keygen's" don't exist... They don't all come "pre-registerd".... :rolleyes:

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Sorry but I'm afraid you are wrong, the icons present in the executable are not used by the own app, but by the windows shell which extracts them for display using the best match for your current visual settings (f.e. small 16x16 icons at 256 colors, 48x48 pixels at true color with alpha blending...); if the file doesnt contain the needed resource it uses the closest match.

Maybe you tried with the sfx module and found it didnt worked but thats because the winrar sfx module is compressed with upx so its not easily editable unless you use something like PE Explorer or download the uncompressed sfx modules from winrar.

See for urself, I replaced the recovery volumes and the sfx icons with a couple of random icons from the crystal set, now I'd do the same if the icandy variations were available in 48x48 ...  :cool:



Now this sounds very interesting. :o May it after all be possible to make the sfx icon be 48 x 48 and larger? I would love to see Jason's reply to this. :yes:

Could this mean an updated patch? :whistle:



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Hahah, yes because "keygen's" don't exist... They don't all come "pre-registerd"....?:rolleyes::


I was talking about the Corp version!! :devil::

Of course there are keygens, cracks, etc.!!! Never said there was not.

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Sorry guys had to remove my first mirror link it had just over 40gbs of traffic to download this patch!


OH man. Hope I dont get hit that hard.

Guys please only use my main one for backup.



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Now this sounds very interesting.  :o  May it after all be possible to make the sfx icon  be 48 x 48 and larger?  I would love to see Jason's reply to this.  :yes:

Could this mean an updated patch?  :whistle:



No reply yet Jason? Can you please reply to this question? :yes:


Dave :cool:

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This may or may not have already been mentioned, but why doesn't someone setup a bit torrent tracker and seed the UI patch. B3AN's server had 40gigs of traffic. That's reason enough to use a distribution method like bit torrent. Anywho, with BT, you may get more people using your patch since the .torrent file could be posted on say, suprnova, and people will look and say "Hmmm... WTF is that? I'll take a look".

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You can't catch a break on this patch can you? :(

Lemme ask you, does the patch actually say it worked successfully or are you crapping out in the middle of the patch sequence?

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This may or may not have already been mentioned, but why doesn't someone setup a bit torrent tracker and seed the UI patch.  B3AN's server had 40gigs of traffic.  That's reason enough to use a distribution method like bit torrent.  Anywho, with BT, you may get more people using your patch since the .torrent file could be posted on say, suprnova, and people will look and say "Hmmm... WTF is that?  I'll take a look".


It was posted on Suprnova; here's the link (and the full name) of the torrent posted:

New Look GUI For WINRAR 3 4 FINAL AWESOME! - [www.lokitorrent.com] Upped by CrazyDelta

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