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  • 2 weeks later...

Winamp skin..... watch this apce :) will also release a rocketdock skin aswell if its wanted, its done just needs uploading

Reminds me of deviant art, but it's still a very nice theme. It's hard to find a good minimalist theme in this A.D.D. generation. Looking forward to the winamp skin :whistle:
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Hey, great theme, definite current favorite. Although I'm having some trouble hunting down that icon pack, I had a sniff around DeviantArt and couldn't find it (Yes, I did search for "Pastels Icon Set") Does anyone have a link to it? Thanks.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys I plan on gettin these styles bacck online at least for download soon, just re-working the old site :)

nice colicab i hope your site comes out good :). And nice theme can't wait to download it.

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  • 11 months later...

Sorry for bumping an age old thread, but I've been looking everywhere for this theme with no luck. I used this theme forever until I had to reformat last week and I was wondering if anyone still has it?

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