Half-Life 2 is DONE

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so the release date is the Sept 22?

No, have a closer look. This is an ad for their next months magazine, and the mag is on sale 22nd Sept.

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Shouldn't it be "It's done!" not "Its done!" ? :p

It should, but it's all caps so I don't think it matters anyway. All part of the font.

The Ad doesn't seem fake, but I don't think they would announce it's finish in a magazine first, and it would take weeks to get the Ad in. Maybe they just expected it to be done before the Mag was put out or the publishers jumped the gun in putting it in. Or it's a September issue (when it's still August) or something.

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why the f*ck would aussie journalists know its done when the rest of the world doesn't (like uh, the United States). eh? i don't buy this.

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why the f*ck would aussie journalists know its done when the rest of the world doesn't (like uh, the United States). eh? i don't buy this.

heh, what are you tring to say?

pc powerplay is a well known magazine that has a large fan base in au and nz and im sure also in many other parts of the world.

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heh, what are you tring to say?

pc powerplay is a well known magazine that has a large fan base in au and nz and im sure also in many other parts of the world.

i am trying to say valve is in the US and I highly doubt this aussie magazine knows something that US journalists don't seeing as how like I said, Valve is a US company. and since they are the only ones to say its done, thats another red flag. they probably guessed or figured by the time the mag is out it would be done. :rolleyes:

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I'm an impartial nemesis of Valve software, and I can confirm this.

PC Powerplay Australia #104 (just hit newsagents here today)

That "photoshop" of Wolverine is just Amos Hong, the producer of the cover CD's and "DiscGod" on the forums. That page details what's on the CD/DVD, and there is always a photoshop of him on it (remind me one day to dig up his face on britney spears' body....quite disturbing).

The "photos" of Alyx are actually part of an unrelated article, instead discussing the idea of a realistic video game character (details a little bit of Valve's face poser software)

Anyway, a quick photo of the page in question.

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Yeah, watching Gabe eat all that source code is making me hungry.


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