Half-Life 2 is DONE

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i am trying to say valve is in the US and I highly doubt this aussie magazine knows something that US journalists don't seeing as how like I said, Valve is a US company. and since they are the only ones to say its done, thats another red flag. they probably guessed or figured by the time the mag is out it would be done. :rolleyes:

I can kinda see your logic but it's flawed, not to mention overcrowded by some apparent arrogance. PC Powerplay being an Australian mag is irrelevant in this case, it's not like the magazine gets pumped out of someone's garage using MS Publisher, PC Powerplay is one of the big daddies of IT/Gaming journalism in Australia/NZ. PC Powerplay have been the first (or one of the first) to come out with a lot of information regarding games because they often go and get the news themselves (eg. coming to the US to visit x game company). For instance, I think PC Powerplay we're one of the first to release a UT2004 review as the reviewer flew all the way over to the US and visited at Epic Megagames along with a few more journalists and played the game extensively, and this was about 4-5 months before it's release (game wasn't gold but it was close enough to be ready for review).

PC Powerplay have never been one for making bold statements based on estimates/guesses, nor do I remember any time when they've spread misinformation. We'll see next month.

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They're probably just taking a gamble and are hopeful they'll get a copy before it goes to print. PCGamer (UK) promised the UT2k3 demo for about 3 issues.

That spelling mistake is funny though :p

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Shouldn't it be "It's done!" not "Its done!" ? :p

yep....I'm taking the same approach as I took for Doom3....When it is on the shelf, I will believe it.

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To be honest, PC Powerplay has NEVER steered me wrong.

They haven't with me either, at least not with factual stuff. Sometimes they reviewers get a little too excited though, don't forget they gave Enter the Matrix and Deus Ex 2 glowing reviews. :laugh:

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why the f*ck would aussie journalists know its done when the rest of the world doesn't (like uh, the United States). eh? i don't buy this.

why does the us have to know first, your not the only country in the world, if the aussies knew first, good on them.

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why does the us have to know first, your not the only country in the world, if the aussies knew first, good on them.

Well if the game is being made in the us it only makes sence that the us would be the first to know. If crytek makes farcry 2 and its finished next week i would expect people over in that part of the world to know before people in the us know

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Well if the game is being made in the us it only makes sence that the us would be the first to know. If crytek makes farcry 2 and its finished next week i would expect people over in that part of the world to know before people in the us know

Exactly, finally someone who understands. Anyways I am 99.9% certain this is just a wild assumption by that magazine in the hope that it really will be done by the time that issue is in stores. :yes: If it was real, it would be all over the net now but it isn't. If anyone is gonna know first, its gonna be people in the US.

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Well if the game is being made in the us it only makes sence that the us would be the first to know. If crytek makes farcry 2 and its finished next week i would expect people over in that part of the world to know before people in the us know

Eh? Why? It's not like we still have surface mail to get stuff done on. We have this invention called email which gets your message to the recipent in less than a second - no matter where in the world you are. It's amazing.

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Eh? Why? It's not like we still have surface mail to get stuff done on. We have this invention called email which gets your message to the recipent in less than a second - no matter where in the world you are. It's amazing.


yeah that logic is flawed.

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it hasn't been established as true either, because it isn't. like I said the US journalists will jump over it first. this is just a wild guess by a magazine (and hopefully a good guess cause I want it to come ASAP)

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Magazines don't make such guesses, and even if they did, they'd rather mention it in some editorial page in their magazine, not waste a full page advert.

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Chode might object to that.

Chode does object to that.

A lot of members here are Australian, I believe.

Fellow Aussies unite. Let us flame the n00b in celebration! :rofl:


In real news, a thread has appeared on PC Powerplay's forums:

Despite what it says on the "Next Month" page in #104, we will not be reviewing Half Life 2 in #105.

At the time of going to print a review did look likely to happen, but subsequent events have rendered it impossible. The following issue - #106 - should carry the eagerly anticipated PCPP review.

However we do have an unexpected treat for you in #105. I can't reveal any more, save to say it's BIG news.


Editor, PCPP

Yes, it is from the editor, not some n00b posing as him. Theories abound that PC Powerplay readers get a free copy of HL1 next issue (which would be sweet).

So, it seems they made a mistake...

<flame shields on stand-by>

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