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Well at the moment i use Firefox, but after noticing how many downloads Opera had i decided to give it a go. Looks okay so far, maybe a little confusing at first, i can see why people call it the geeky boys browser ;)

Anyways in Firefox i used the Adblock plugin to block adverts on websites. Does Opera have the equivilent? Also im thinking of getting Avant Broswer too as that seem to be one of the most popular ones, can i block adverts in that too?

Thx lads




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I know chode hun,

It's a UK thing i guess, been watching too much Big Brother, which is where the phrase came from :)

If it makes you feel better, my boyfriend hates me calling him Chick too :)

Anyways, did you find the blocker?

[edit - opps saw you edited your post, thx ur guide is useful]


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