Neowin's 2nd Annual 2004-05 Weekly NFL Picks!

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I guess I could do it that way and just split up the standings... those who played all games and those that didn't and those that didn't pick there points.

2005 Playoffs Week1:

dvds_ect..........................1-3 (+14)


:rofl: yeah I am still last! :laugh:

Haha I don't care who wins since Carolina is not there so.....

NY Jets vs. Pittsburgh

Indianapolis vs. New England

Minnesota vs. Philadelphia

St. Louisvs. Atlanta

I am doing the reverse pick system :p whoever I pick to win will of course loose! Pick the opposite of my picks and be guarantied to get 4-0 :whistle:

,Jan 10 2005, 18:32]I guess I could do it that way and just split up the standings... those who played all games and those that didn't and those that didn't pick there points.


I dont think you have to separate it that much. Could just make it if you don't pick a game it is a loss & if you dont pick the points it is like you said 0 for total points. The extra point will only count in the total playoff results.

So last week would be like this.

2005 Playoffs Week1:

StaticX..........................3-1 (+2)

CatnipOligarthy..............3-1 (+4)

L3thal............................2-2 (+1)

Steffan...........................2-2 (+2)

kainashi.........................2-2 (+6)

BOOGSoftball?...............2-2 (+10)

sbweb77.........................2-2 (+14)

TheFlusher......................2-2 (+14)

jmole..............................1-3 (+0)

[sanctified]......................1-3 (+6)

Xeonic............................1-3 (+7)

dvds_ect.........................1-3 (+14)

bonobozoot.....................1-3 (+19)

Dirk................................1-3 (+ 48)

Jalz.................................1-2 (+ 48)

[yt].................................0-4 (+10)

-------------------------------------[2005 Playoffs Totals:[/b]b>u>

L3thal............................3-2 (+1)

StaticX...........................3-1 (+2)

CatnipOligarthy...............3-1 (+4)

kainashi..........................3-2 (+6)

BOOGSoftball?...............3-2 (+10)

sbweb77.........................3-2 (+14)

Steffan...........................2-2 (+2)

TheFlusher......................2-2 (+14)

jmole..............................1-3 (+0)

[sanctified]......................1-3 (+6)

Xeonic............................1-3 (+7)

[yt].................................1-4 (+10)

dvds_ect..........................1-3 (+14)

bonobozoot......................1-3 (+19)

Dirk................................1-3 (+ 48)

Jalz.................................1-2 (+ 48)

Edited by sbweb77

I hope I got this correct. Let me know of any mistakes

2005 Playoffs Week 2:

[sanctified]......................4-0 (+40)

kainashi..........................3-1 (+23)

Xeonic............................3-1 (+29)

[yt]................................3-1 (+29)

Armeck...........................3-1 (+29)

Steffan...........................3-1 (+30)

finality............................3-1 (+39)

jmole..............................3-1 (+45)

bonobozoot.....................2-2 (+19)

TheFlusher......................2-2 (+24)

CatnipOligarthy...............2-2 (+26)

L3thal.............................2-2 (+35)

BOOGSoftball..................2-2 (+35)

StaticX............................1-3 (+20)

sbweb77.........................1-3 (+31)

dvds_ect.........................1-3 (+35)


2005 Playoffs Totals:

kainashi..........................6-3 (+29)

CatnipOligarthy...............5-3 (+30)

Steffan...........................5-3 (+32)

L3thal............................5-4 (+36)

BOOGSoftball................5-4 (+45)

[sanctified]......................5-3 (+46)

StaticX...........................4-4 (+22)

Xeonic............................4-4 (+36)

TheFlusher......................4-4 (+38)

jmole..............................4-4 (+45)

sbweb77.........................4-5 (+45)

[yt].................................4-5 (+48)

bonobozoot......................3-5 (+38)

dvds_ect..........................2-6 (+49)

Dirk................................1-3 (+48)

Jalz.................................1-2 (+48)

Note: I based the totals by wins and points.

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