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Hey peeps,

So u guys are enjoying the boot screen (the screen with the nice blue/green) bars moving across your screen when your system boots? Think you can live without it to shave off a few seconds of your boot time? Mmmhmm... then I might have a solution for you...

SHORT WAY (I think you get somekind of message on boot ???)

Run -> msconfig -> Bootini tab -> NOGUIBOOT

LONG WAY (my way... 100% sure to work and theres a little note at the bottom for Timout=...)

Open up your boot.ini probably located in C:\boot.ini. (make sure your system is set to let you view hidden files/system files)

You probably have something like

[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP" /fastdetect

in there. Am I right? yup! Now set the "timeout=" to 0 and put /noguiboot after /fastdetect so the last line should look like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP" /fastdetect /noguiboot

Reboot and enjoy! By the way, DON'T copy my boot.ini or it **might** not load right, just add /noguiboot and the end of the last line and DONT forget to add "/fastdetect" too (that shaves off a few more seconds) and the timeout=0... We all know what it does, it disables the OS selection screen so make sure WindowsXP is the only OS under NTLDR (don't worry if you don't have Linux)

Edited by AresXP
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As I said, if you have an AMD computer... chances are that you wont notice anything. (same goes for p4).

but the "timeout=0" really do works. If you wait 30 seconds (timeout=30) then u're gettin a 30 secs decrease right there.

Expalin that. What do I have to look for?

Expalin that. What do I have to look for?

Open up your boot.ini probably located in C:\boot.ini. (make sure your system is set to let you view hidden files/system files)

You probably have something like

[boot loader]timeout=30


[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP" /fastdetect

in there. Am I right? yup! Now set the "timeout=" to 0 and put /noguiboot after /fastdetect so the last line should look like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP" /fastdetect /noguiboot

timeout is there just to list the OS available(if multi-boot). It doesnt wait 30s if theres only 1 OS installed.  and if you are multi booting, you will need some time to make your selection.


If you want to decrease boot time you can do things like move all the boot files to the same inner part of the hard drive..

Edited by sukamusiru
i see a timmer timm er under boot.ini and it says 30 seconds. I change that to 0 and it should boost my perforamce right?


Not "performance," and you won't gain any boost under most users' systems.. It would only apply to turning your computer on and getting to the OS..

well it wouldnt really help me cus of my slow ass boot for some odd reason!

You can also add /NODEBUG (turns off debugging :p ) which can decrease the boot time, and /SOS ; same as /NOGUIBOOT but it also displays the startup processes and the driver names while they are being loaded.

Hi ppl I look and make this little file on web works fine:

1> open notepad and type: Del C:\Windows\Prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q (save as ntosboot.bat in root directory C:\), after open Run and type Gpedit.msc enter and open in Computer Configuration. Windows Settings, double click on Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) double click on Shutdown click in Add, browse for find ntosboot.bat and select it in C:\ simple save it and save again and finally reboot.

2>NOTE: I simply look on web and make it, I don't plagiarism nothing only sharing ok

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