MSN- Who's blocking me?

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You have "block all others" in your privacy settings in MSN>Tools

If it says one of the messages I gave you above, it works!

EDIT: This trick only works if some stupid peeps are your targets, I still have a lot of things to do there.

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Seems to work for me... Even though my contacts are all online at this point so i might check tomorow o something... :D

Sweet, i can use this when the ones down... Which is mostly :rolleyes:

Nice work AresXP :happy:

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You didnt make this you lying asshat - this is an open-source blockchecker from PhpMyBlockChecker :angry:

I hate it when people take credit for stuff they didnt make - it makes me sick :no:

0WN3D!! :D

I looked at them both, same messages are generated, so you must have copied their's :no:

btw, asshat :D

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He set his thing to Block All others, please read the other posts. Yes I used SF's source but I modded it, I'm still learning PHP. Btw, I took SF's source only for the MSN aglorithm. Thats it.

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