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14 seconds (its 14.x but i cant remember exactly) - thts slipstreamed windows xp pro , from power on, - i dont have a lot starting on bootup, machine is highly optimised. - i think i've done pretty much every tweak possible :p

14 seconds (its 14.x but i cant remember exactly) - thts slipstreamed windows xp pro , from power on, - i dont have a lot starting on bootup, machine is highly optimised. - i think i've done pretty much every tweak possible :p


share the tweaks :D thx alot if u do so

15 seconds

3 at BIOS things

2 in dark screen

Barely a loop on the XP logo

And 1 second to put in my user pass.

Its usually also ready to go once its on the desktop

I only have 2 things running at startup.....KxMixer and the volume icon

on my new computer(broken atm) my fastest is about 15 seconds :D

on this computer my fastest boot time is probably around 2-3 minutes :p :blush:

It takes atleast a minute from when I press the power button to fully booted XP on my P4...

How do you guys get it so fast? :o


we defrag our hard drives regularly, keep out viruses and spyware :p

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