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Release Date For Photoshop 7 ?


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Originally posted by Vetius

What is it?

Ah, so you were trying to form a question. Mightn't you want to edit the title to include a question mark so as not to mislead people here, thinking that you know the release date?

In other news, I took ten seconds to go to adobe.com, clicked on "Coming Soon: Photoshop 7.0," and then clicked "Buy."

What do you know?


Adobe Photoshop 7.0 will ship in mid April 2002. The very first line.

Make some damned effort.

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othernutrient and Keldyn,

NO WHERE in that title did I have the word "what"...setting it off as a question. And if I DID intend for it to be a question of some sort, it would have been a rhetorical one, which doesn?t always necessitate a question mark.

I am not one who lets grammar and punctuation pass easily, since I come from a very highly renowned website that has gotten a lot of praise over the years, pocketnow.com, and professionalism is expected at all times. But again, I did not see a need for a question mark in the above title.

The reason I asked for the released date is because even YOU don?t know it. I went to the same site that you have linked above, and since it says MID April, that doesn?t give us a date, now does it?

Keldyn has erred as well in the editing of my title. If a question mark IS to be placed, you do NOT put a space between the 7 and the question mark. Good one.

And calm down guys, thiscasualal forum?perfect spelling and grammar is not required, as you should know that, Keldyn, since you are a moderator of this forum, but very well.

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calm down vetius.

i think what they're trying to say is that this question has been brought up so many times. so as a "professionalist" worrying about being rhetorical, you should have known better and searched for this thread before posting it again for the millionth time! oh god, and i'm sure you're one of those people who are critical about everything. ("it hasn't been brought up a million times") whatever dude. i hate people that think they're better than everyone. i mean who cares if you've gotten your praise at another website. telling us won't make you get our praise. you have to earn it. don't be all sarcastic and sh*t. start of by being nice. :p


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Originally posted by Vetius

othernutrient and Keldyn,

NO WHERE in that title did I have the word "what"...setting it off as a question. And if I DID intend for it to be a question of some sort, it would have been a rhetorical one, which doesn?t always necessitate a question mark.

I am not one who lets grammar and punctuation pass easily, since I come from a very highly renowned website that has gotten a lot of praise over the years, pocketnow.com, and professionalism is expected at all times. But again, I did not see a need for a question mark in the above title.

The reason I asked for the released date is because even YOU don?t know it. I went to the same site that you have linked above, and since it says MID April, that doesn?t give us a date, now does it?

Keldyn has erred as well in the editing of my title. If a question mark IS to be placed, you do NOT put a space between the 7 and the question mark. Good one.

And calm down guys, this is a casualal forum?perfect spelling and grammar is not required, as you should know that, Keldyn, since you are a moderator of this forum, but very well.

For being so high upon your horse, you don't seem to have the grasp for discourse you claim. Anyone can plainly see that your title was misleading. It indicated that the content of your message would disclose the release date of Photoshop 7, which it obviously did not. Instead, your message posed the question of when it would be released.

I suggest you check again to see what rhetoric is. You certainly don't practice it well.

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Originally posted by Vetius

othernutrient and Keldyn,

Keldyn has erred as well in the editing of my title. If a question mark IS to be placed, you do NOT put a space between the 7 and the question mark. Good one.

And calm down guys, this is a casual forum?perfect spelling and grammar is not required, as you should know that, Keldyn, since you are a moderator of this forum, but very well.

Very well. The fact still remains that the purpose of this thread was to enquire about the release date. Therefore it is a question you are posing to the community. Hence the question mark. Don't ride my back about grammar. No where does it state in the community rules that perfect grammar is required to post. I'm sure no one else here is offended by my space between the "7" and the "?" mark....:right:

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Originally posted by Keldyn

I'm sure no one else here is offended by my space between the "7" and the "?" mark....:right:

yep Keldyn, not offended at all. but i did notice it when i first looked at it. :p

vetius: sure, i'll drop this like i dropped your mom! J/K hehehehe. sorry about that last comment.

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