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  mulder said:
Amen to that! :p

i tried to convert it using skin studio but it produces quite a few bugs in the theme (i do not know how to fix them)

hopefully someone else can do this and officially release it with stefanka's permission (like frogboy done with inspirat part 2)

  Reble said:
Says the guy who is moaning about a visual style... Dude, get out and do something other than poke your flaming stick.

He's asking for feedback, just because he made this vs doesn't mean he can react like a complete ######. I just thought he could fix it that way, and I was right because I fixed the problem myself.

And I don't flame, it's a great theme but it has bugs. I fixed most of them that are still remaining and like said before, if the author dismisses almost everything I say it's just not the way to go. Just wanted to help.

To everyone who asked:

I removed the bestand, bewerken etc. / file, edit etc. bar with help of this thread:

For the last time. If you dont like it. Move On

Maybe you should play police officer somewhere else. ;)

Edited by XP_01
  Thren said:
Think this was mentioned somehere  in here. To remove the white lines from the Firefox toolbars add this to your Firefox userChrome.css file. more info on userChrome.css

 * Remove Toolbar borders (For Royal Inspirat)
toolbar {
	border: 1px solid transparent !important;

I don't arrive to do this. I have add this 2 lines in my \defaults\profile\chrome\userChrome-example.css


Like this :


* ?ditez ce fichier et copiez-le comme userChrome.css dans votre

* dossier-de-profil/chrome/



* Ce fichier peut ?tre utilis? pour personnaliser l'apparence de l'interface utilisateur de Mozilla

* Pensez ? utiliser !important sur les r?gles qui sont destin?es ? prendre

* la place des param?tres par d?faut.



* Ne retirez pas la ligne @namespace line -- elle est requise pour un fonctionnement correct


@namespace url(""); /* set default namespace to XUL */


* Quelques am?lioration possibles d'accessibilit? :



* Mettre toutes les tailles de police par d?faut ? 20 pt :


* * {

* font-size: 20pt !important

* }



* Rendre en particulier les choix de menus en 15 pt au lieu de la taille par d?faut :


* menupopup > * {

* font-size: 15pt !important

* }



* Donner ? la barre d'adresse (URL) une police ? largeur fixe


* #urlbar {

* font-family: monospace !important;

* }



* Masquer l'indicateur d'activit? et son animation :


* #throbber-box {

* display: none !important;

* }



* Remove Toolbar borders (For Royal Inspirat)


* #toolbar {

* border: 1px solid transparent !important;

* }



* Pour d'autres exemples, voir


I have the french version of Firefox 0.9.3, and I rename userChrome-example.css to userChrome.css and I have the lines again.

Edited by D!rtySh@dy
  alex666 said:
This theme is by far the nicest i have used. StefanKa thanks alot :D

had nothing to do so i thought that a winamp skin hadn?t been wrong so here?s my progress this far. Don?t want to steal your thread Stef so if you have any comments please pm....

Looks fine, you should make the playback buttons smaller and more glossy (like the start button) thou;) ;)

Ok, I'm having troubles here. I download the file and extracted its contents to Windows\Resources\Themes

Then, I go to my desktop, right click and choose properties. Once in Properties, I go to the Appearance tab and hit the drop down box. All of my other Visual Styles show up except this one. I have to physically navigate to the Themes folder using explorer and double click the file in order to apply the VS.

Am I doing something wrong?

  chrisl said:
A bug but it only seems to be happening with me?:( Doesn't happen in any other VS.

Only happens on mouse over and goes away when you resize the window.


I'm not having that problem here.

  Greenstein said:
Ok, I'm having troubles here.  I download the file and extracted its contents to Windows\Resources\Themes

Then, I go to my desktop, right click and choose properties.  Once in Properties, I go to the Appearance tab and hit the drop down box.  All of my other Visual Styles show up except this one.  I have to physically navigate to the Themes folder using explorer and double click the file in order to apply the VS.

Am I doing something wrong?

Alright...Just take the Royal Inspirat folder thats already inside the main Royal Inspirat folder. Put that folder in your Themes folder and then it will show up. See below for screenshot...


  FusionGuy said:
Where is the full start menu style? Or did you do that yourself and how?

Yeah, I just modded it in Stylebuilder, very easy to do, jsut play around, hopefully stefanka can put one as an option in his download. I hate compact start menu's there bobbins, now I can actually use this theme!

  lou_dude88 said:
For the ultramon problem, its because stefanka made the actual green part of the start button on the taskbar, so you are out of luck (at least for now).

// Lou

oh, thanks for explaining it though!

hrm, experts in style builder want to recolor it? :p stef! pleeeease :D

  XP_01 said:
He's asking for feedback, just because he made this vs doesn't mean he can react like a complete ######. I just thought he could fix it that way, and I was right because I fixed the problem myself.

And I don't flame, it's a great theme but it has bugs. I fixed most of them that are still remaining and like said before, if the author dismisses almost everything I say it's just not the way to go. Just wanted to help.

To everyone who asked:

I removed the bestand, bewerken etc. / file, edit etc. bar with help of this thread:

Maybe you should play police officer somewhere else. ;)

lol playing police officer. Good one dude. Unfortunatly not, i'm just trying to get you to realize that you can post all the bugs you want, doesn't mean they will get fixed. And he is in no way inclined to do so. And if you dont like it, just simply and nice put, Move On.

Btw, he didn't ask for feedback, he posted a Visual style and thats it. So it's automaticlly requesting feedback isit?

But it seems you've modded it for your own personal use, so whats the big deal? couple of little bugs. if they bother you

so much, then stop using the vs. Simple as that.

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