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2 gig ddr 400mhz with 40"lcd  :p drools


holy mother of god, where do you live, if you do own that.. if thats yours you better make good use of it 8-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

its nice and all but I personally wouldn't use it. I don't have an Alienware nor do I ever plan on having one becuase I would never buy a store bought PC that I could make myself.

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Hey MvT Cracker, nice of you to hijack the thread.

You can attach multiple things to one post too, no need for postcount+++.

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  • 3 weeks later...
hey mvt u have any more area-51 wallpapers..


nope just the official one u could try deviant art or the note book forum

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Hey MvT Cracker, nice of you to hijack the thread.

You can attach multiple things to one post too, no need for postcount+++.


post cound is not important and u have a verry little time before u can't edit a post

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Thank u

there great


Want an alienware PC now



Alienware And VooDoo are amazing companys that build awesome computers

Alienware now has 512 mb 6800 cards :D and Alienware ram

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