Desktop Icons without Text

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can anybody make icon of musicmatch Jukebox Plus?

i am waiting


No problem,.. but I need the commands that u want to use (shortcuts). :)


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Okay, I just realized something kinda neat.

I went to go get into my"Shared Music" folder, and i'm like "crap, i gotta minimize everything...I wish this stuff was on my ObjectDock!"

So, I started dragging these new icons over to ObjectDock. They work GREAT! Just right-click on them, and all the options appear as normal.

Gives me an excuse to add the Nero icon too now.

Herby, we should do up an Outlook one, maybe even with Lookout's functionality built-in. I'll try and get the GUID's or whatever in a few.

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Okay, I just realized something kinda neat.

I went to go get into my"Shared Music" folder, and i'm like "crap, i gotta minimize everything...I wish this stuff was on my ObjectDock!"

So, I started dragging these new icons over to ObjectDock.  They work GREAT!  Just right-click on them, and all the options appear as normal.

Gives me an excuse to add the Nero icon too now.

Herby, we should do up an Outlook one, maybe even with Lookout's functionality built-in.  I'll try and get the GUID's or whatever in a few.


The older versions (the other thread in Windows Tips, Tricks & Tweaks) also work in docks... :D

I am already working on the Outlook one,.. dunno about Lookout, never used it.

Does Lookout need special commands?


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OK,... I get a lot of PM's about changing the Icons & Commands. :)

In this post I shall try to explain how to change some parts of the Office 2003 key.

Open Regedit (Start -> Run -> Regedit) and search for the CLSID: {00000000-5070-0000-0000-000000000002}.

(You can find this CLSID in the "Add Office 2003.reg" file)

Now go to the "DefaultIcon" key, you see a line like this: "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Office11\MSOicons.exe,6".


You can change this line to point to any icon you want, right click on "(Default)" and select Modify, and change it to the location of your Icon.

If you want to change the Command names (the ones that appear on the context menu), go to the Shell key and expand it.

Find the key that you want to change (in this example Excel).


Cick on the Excel key and you see the line: "&Excel 2003", you can change this to any name that you want.

The & character is for the keyboard shortcut, put it before the letter that you want to use to activate the command.

To change the command select the "Command" key and you see a line like this: "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office11\Excel.exe".


If you use Office XP you can change this to "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office10\Excel.exe".

When you are finished you can export the key: Right click on the key {00000000-5070-0000-0000-000000000002} and select "Export" and you can safe it as a reg file.

I hope this helps you all! :D


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does anyone know how to enable drag and drop for my documents??


Here is the My Documents Icon with Drag & Drop function.

Don't use it on a system with Multiple User Profiles, coz it applies to all users.

I had to edit the real My Documents to make it work.

No worries,.. if you import the "Remove My Documents+.reg" it changes back to its original state. :D

You can change the Icon like the original My Documents: Display Properties -> Desktop Tab -> Customize Desktop...

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How can I remove shutdown form startmenu? I tryd reshacker but every time I restart that gome back  :no:


You can do that with X-Setup Pro (download here).

Go to Appearance -> Start Menu -> Windows XP -> Classic Startmenu or New Startmenu -> Visible Items... :)

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damn Herby, you are a star! Thank you for all these lovely menu's, truly appreciated!
Herby, i didnt use your stuff (one day i might use it), but i watch what you did, look pretty cool and very lovely :)

keep going mate :)

Thanks a lot for all the lovely icons... sure appreciate your efforts

You're all welcome! :happy:

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Thanks muchly Herby! I am going to have a play around tonight, see what I can come up with. Just a question, sorry if it has been asked before, and yeah I know it's n00bie to you lol, but how do I track down the CLSID:{xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx} dealies for other programs I have installed / other folders, to have a go at making my own icons for various little apps I have installed.

I also understand that Magician's never reveal their secrets though :p

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Herby.....This is awsome....I'm going to try these out today. It's awsome that you are doing requests. I might hit you up for some requests soon enough.

EDIT:Shareaza by any chance?

Edited by Cryptic_Night
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