Desktop Icons without Text

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Cant you just name it by holding down alt and typing on the number pad 0160 or 255(i think that wrks to) i know the 0160 works


But you still have the blank space when you selected an icon.

And you don't have right button menus as this one:


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It works permanently, it's unbelievable?:pp

Again, good work Herby!?:D:D


this is some kind of amazing, thx a lot!


I'm glad that you guys like it!:happy:y:


Created one foAudigy 2 ZSb>.

I've set the Master Volume command as Default (to adjust the volume, just click and scroll).

I've addeDevice Controlsi> and thEAX Control Paneli> (AudioHQ) so there's no need to go to the Control Panel anymore.:):)


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Great tip - I just formatted my compuer and this is one of the first things I'm tweaking.

I'm having a problem with the My Documents icon. When I click the text-less icon, the documents folder shows up as empty. When I click the icon with text, my documents are all there. I've attached a screenshot.

Thanks for taking the time to create this!



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Great tip - I just formatted my compuer and this is one of the first things I'm tweaking.

I'm having a problem with the My Documents icon. When I click the text-less icon, the documents folder shows up as empty. When I click the icon with text, my documents are all there. I've attached a screenshot.

Thanks for taking the time to create this!



I'm assuming that you used the folder from the old thread,.. import the "Add My Documents -e.reg" from the zip from the first post from this thread and refresh your Desktop.

That should fix it. :)

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can someone plz remind me how to change the icon for these icons... the recycycle bin for example? thanks.


The easiest way to change them is with Shell Object Editor, see Post #1 for more info and the link.

is there a recycle bin icon that changes for full and empty?  mine doesnt.


When you have Multiple User Profiles on your Computer, use the "Add Recycle Bin MUP.reg".

This Recycle Bin is fully functional but it doesn't change his Icon when it's full.

The "Add Recycle Bin.reg" modifies the real Recycle Bin and applies to all Profiles.

(copied from Post #1)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice thing, have been reading and testing this for about 4 hours soon.

Im stuck at the create own shortcut part, i can just have one at the desktop cause they want to replace eash other (the have the same -noname- but different adresses, i could have as many folders i like but no shortcuts to them but one.

So I tried doing/edit register-files, that doesnt work either, it just gets a ****** up file that windows cant read.

I can post my regfile for steam:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InfoTip"="Spela Half-life eller Counter-Strike Source genom Steam"








Guess its all wrong but I cant find any guide but the keymaker-example. do i need a hex-code, and how the hell do I get that?

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Nice thing, have been reading and testing this for about 4 hours soon.

Im stuck at the create own shortcut part, i can just have one at the desktop cause they want to replace eash other (the have the same -noname- but different adresses, i could have as many folders i like but no shortcuts to them but one.

So I tried doing/edit register-files, that doesnt work either, it just gets a ****** up file that windows cant read.

I can post my regfile for steam:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InfoTip"="Spela Half-life eller Counter-Strike Source genom Steam"








Guess its all wrong but I cant find any guide but the keymaker-example. do i need a hex-code, and how the hell do I get that?


Hey Dawwe,.. welcome to Neowin! :D

The tutorial should explain most of your questions.

You don't need the hex-code,.. I use it for language compatibility.

You must use double slashes in a regfile (for the commands) & add a line to add the Icon on the Desktop:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InfoTip"="Spela Half-life eller Counter-Strike Source genom Steam"









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Thanks a lot for the fast and helpful answer now my desktop look like this :D

(The drop-meny doesnt work though, just for show atm, maybe you could help me change add my documents.reg so itworks with shortcuts insted of hex-code (wish didnt work on my language).


You can change the paths with regedit (see tutorial for more info) or by editing the reg file:

For example









"Target"="path to My Documents with double backslashes"

If you can't get it to work, just PM me the edited reg file and the path to your Documents folder and I'll edit it for you.

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This is great, thnx for the help Herby, now my desktop looks like this

Started to do some icons myself. Im stuck with Daemon tools, i would like to make a cool drop-meny for it.

C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe -mount 0, C:\\example.iso

gets it to mount example.iso but can I make it open a browse window insted so you could choose file to mount directly from the icon?

And one more thing, is there any standard code for exiting a program? whould be great.


C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe -exit

(but that doesnt work of couse =D)

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is it possible to place this textless icon to the systray instead of desktop?

thanx in advance ;)


Nope,.. but you can move them to the Control Panel & My Computer with Shell Object Editor (see Post #1).

This is great, thnx for the help Herby, now my desktop looks like this

Started to do some icons myself. Im stuck with Daemon tools, i would like to make a cool drop-meny for it.

C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe -mount 0, C:\\example.iso

gets it to mount example.iso but can I make it open a browse window insted so you could choose file to mount directly from the icon?

And one more thing, is there any standard code for exiting a program? whould be great.


C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe -exit

(but that doesnt work of couse =D)


You've been bizzy... :D (Y)

Which language is that,.. Swedish?

Daemon Tools does'nt support a browse command (yet).

There's no standard code for exiting a program but you can close programs (killprocess), services (service stop) & windows (win close title) with NirCmd.

NirCmd is a great little free Command Line Tool (it does'nt run in the background) and is included in the zip file from Post #1 (see NirCmd.chm for more info).

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Nope,.. but you can move them to the Control Panel & My Computer with Shell Object Editor (see Post #1).

sorry to hear.

thanx for the another info.! ;)

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Yes its swedish, good guess =D

NirCmd works fine :) Very cool tool.

Sry but I have one more n00b question, I try to modify "add WMP 9" to get a "WMP Minimized" chose, but I cant figure out how to get multiple commands. && dont seem to work and I cant make multiplestings in regedit cause its only reads the (standard) it seems.

Thx in advance.

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Yes its swedish, good guess =D

NirCmd works fine :) Very cool tool.

Sry but I have one more n00b question, I try to modify "add WMP 9" to get a "WMP Minimized" chose, but I cant figure out how to get multiple commands. && dont seem to work and I cant make multiplestings in regedit cause its only reads the (standard) it seems.

Thx in advance.


I've family in Sweden in G?teborg & Alings?s.:):)

You can minimize WMP 9 with NirCmd (win min class).

It's possible to use multiple commands, see the Clear Temp Command (Add Recycle Bin.reg):cmd.exe /c cd "%WinDir%\Temp\" && del *.* /f /q && (for /d %%a in (*) do rd "%%a" /q /s) && cd "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temp\" && del *.* /f /q && (for /d %%a in (*) do rd "%%a" /q /s)i>

It only works if you use an Expandable String Value (see the Guide for more information about how to create & edit these values).

You can also use NirCmd to run multiple commands (script).

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Firts i would like to tell you that this forum roxx, i'm new here and i have found a lot of usefull things and stuff!

I would like to ask you, what i have to do that i can only remove text under my icons on desctop, i wouldn't change anything else, i'll only remove the text! What have i to do?

THX for your help

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Hi Nocko,.. welkome to Neowin! :D

Most of the people should say: Alt+255, but when you select an Icon it has a text selection box and you get a problem when you have alot of Icons on your Desktop (you have to rename the next Alt+255 + Alt+255 and add Alt+255 to the next...).

I can create reg files which just remove the names from My Computer and My Documents, the Recycle Bin & My Network Places, but they apply to all userprofiles.

You can create new Icons with Shell Object Editor, just give them an uncommon name, search for that name in the registry (Run.. -> Regedit -> F3) and delete the value.

Edited by Herby
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Thank you, but i dont sure im following you.

This code:


@="&WMP 9 minimized"


@="%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe && %WinDir%\\NirCmd.exe win min title Windows Media Player"

Is supposed to open wmplayer and minimize it.

It doesnt work work at all, and when I edit in regedit it just execute the first command.

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Hi Nocko,.. welkome to Neowin!  :D

Most of the people should say: Alt+255, but when you select an Icon it has a text selection box and you get a problem when you have alot of Icons on your Desktop (you have to rename the next Alt+255 + Alt+255 and add Alt+255 to the next...).

I can create reg files which just remove the names from My Computer and My Documents, the Recycle Bin & My Network Places, but they apply to all userprofiles.

You can create new Icons with Shell Object Editor, just give them an uncommon name, search for that name in the registry (Run.. -> Regedit -> F3) and delete the value.


THX for your post, i would like to explain that i'm not a very big computer freak and i' m woring what happend when i do something wrong!

Isn't there any simple program for this, i have on my desctop a few icons, like My computer, My documents, Recycle bin and 2 other, i would like to change only this but no other!

It there any help for me?

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Thank you, but i dont sure im following you.

This code:


@="&WMP 9 minimized"


@="%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe && %WinDir%\\NirCmd.exe win min title Windows Media Player"

Is supposed to open wmplayer and minimize it.

It doesnt work work at all, and when I edit in regedit it just execute the first command.


You can use the && command only with the Command Prompt (Cmd.exe) and with the execmd command from NirCmd:

Nircmd.exe execmd nircmd exec show "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" && nircmd win min title "Windows Media Player"

When you use paths like %ProgramFiles% in the command, you must use an Expandable String Value:


@="&WMP 9 minimized"













^^ That should do the trick! :)

THX for your post, i would like to explain that i'm not a very big computer freak and i' m woring what happend when i do something wrong!

Isn't there any simple program for this, i have on my desctop a few icons, like My computer, My documents, Recycle bin and 2 other, i would like to change only this but no other!

It there any help for me?


Not yet,.. but Tbhoc is creating a program to create them.

When there's any news about it I'll post it here. :)

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OK THX, so i'll wait until this program is finished, because i have a fresh system up and i wouldn't do it againa and again!

I have also one qestion, what should i do, that my 5 destop icons will be bigger and other icones will stay the same, I have try a program, Icon packer or somting and they did change my whole icons in big one!

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