Desktop Icons without Text

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Hi Neroo,.. welcome to Neowin! :)

I've made up the keys so they originally don't exist in the Registry.

You're welcome to ask questions at all times, but before you do, have a look at the tutorial, most of the questions are answered there.

About the Firefox icon: if you have merged the "Add Firefox.reg" from the (Post #1) you can search the registry for {00000000-5010-0000-0000-000000000002}.

Expand it and expand the Shell key, if you expand the Open key and select the Command key, you can edit the Open command there.

You can do the same for all other commands. :)

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Hey Herby, remeber that big list of programs you made for me a while ago?, well i've figured out how to add onto it and have been dooing so periodically. Is there and way, on right click, to make these in alphabetical order? I know iI could do it manually but i wanted to know if there was a way to do it automatically first.

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Thank you for all the help Herby, you are the best =D

I have some tricky questions for you Ive been thinking about.

First, you helped me to do a double command with windows media player:

Nircmd.exe execmd nircmd exec show "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" && nircmd win min title "Windows Media Player"

do you think its possible to open a certain playlist in minimized mode?

Nircmd.exe execmd nircmd exec show "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe /playlist c:/david.wpl" && nircmd win min title "Windows Media Player"

does not work (guess its because nircmd does the command and dont know this one)

Hard one, but if anyone can manage to do this, its you :)

Second question; when I open "my computer" with your shortcut, it opens a tree to the left at the same time, is it possible to change that?

I just want it to open normally, without the tree if you understand what i mean.

Thx in advance.

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Thanks for these great icons Herby, ive been using them since you posted this thread :)

One thing missing from the set is an OpenOffice icon. ( i couldnt find it within the thread )

Ive tried to go through your tutorial but i get lost.

If possible could you create one that lists all the different applications and just links to them?

In my directory they are in Program Files\ 1.9.104\program

and the files are : soffice.exe(start point for all other programs), sbase.exe, scalc.exe, sdraw.exe, simpress.exe, swriter.exe

soffice.exe holds all of the icons. the first one could be used as the default.

I really appreciate the time you have taken to create all these great icons.

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Thank you for all the help Herby, you are the best =D

I have some tricky questions for you Ive been thinking about.

First, you helped me to do a double command with windows media player:

Nircmd.exe execmd nircmd exec show "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" && nircmd win min title "Windows Media Player"

do you think its possible to open a certain playlist in minimized mode?

Nircmd.exe execmd nircmd exec show "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe /playlist c:/david.wpl" && nircmd win min title "Windows Media Player"

does not work (guess its because nircmd does the command and dont know this one)

Hard one, but if anyone can manage to do this, its you  :)

Second question; when I open "my computer" with your shortcut, it opens a tree to the left at the same time, is it possible to change that?

I just want it to open normally, without the tree if you understand what i mean.

Thx in advance.


I'll look into it! :)

Thanks for these great icons Herby, ive been using them since you posted this thread :)

One thing missing from the set is an OpenOffice icon. ( i couldnt find it within the thread )

Ive tried to go through your tutorial but i get lost.

If possible could you create one that lists all the different applications and just links to them?

In my directory they are in Program Files\ 1.9.104\program

and the files are : soffice.exe(start point for all other programs), sbase.exe, scalc.exe, sdraw.exe, simpress.exe, swriter.exe

soffice.exe holds all of the icons. the first one could be used as the default.

I really appreciate the time you have taken to create all these great icons.


No problem,.. I'll get on that too. :)

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@ Dawwe:

Nircmd.exe execmd nircmd exec show "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" c:/david.wpl && nircmd win min title "Windows Media Player"

@ Sch3mz: Here's one for OpenOffice (I hope I got the names right).

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^^^ You're welcome! :)

Second question; when I open "my computer" with your shortcut, it opens a tree to the left at the same time, is it possible to change that?

I just want it to open normally, without the tree if you understand what i mean.


Sorry,.. I missed the second question.. :pinch:

Import "Add My Computer -e.reg" (= without Explorer Bar).

Edited by Herby
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Not sure if this has been said before ( not going though the 37 pages)

right click on the desktop icon rename ..hold down the ALT button and press 0160 :)

doesnt work on multiple folders

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Cheers for all the help Herby, i finally realised what i had to do to get it to work and made many more icons like that on my own. One thing i havent been able to do is work out the regedit code to put in to open a directory, what am i supposed to do to open a folder anywhere on my comp?

Edit: HA! as soon as i posted this, i got it work, all i needed to do was put Explorer.exe in front :laugh:

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I really think this should be stickiedd..

also im using Emule MorphXT but the Emule reg doesnt seem to work for it, so how do i go about.

Edited by CrisCr0ss
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Cheers for all the help Herby, i finally realised what i had to do to get it to work and made many more icons like that on my own. One thing i havent been able to do is work out the regedit code to put in to open a directory, what am i supposed to do to open a folder anywhere on my comp?

Edit: HA! as soon as i posted this, i got it work, all i needed to do was put Explorer.exe in front?:laugh::


Yep,.. you always need an executable to run the commands. :))

If you want to open an extension with its default program you can useRundll32.exe Url,FileProtocolHandler>.

For example: &quotRundll32.exe Url,FileProtocolHandler>" opens with your default browser.

&quotRundll32.exe Url,FileProtocolHandler C:\Example.doc>" opens Example.doc with its Associated Program.

I really think this should be stickiedd..

also im using Emule MorphXT but the Emule reg doesnt seem to work for it, so how do i go about.


PM a mod about it, maybe they'll make it a Stickie. :))

About Emule MorphXT: It's probably installed in another directory, you can edit the commands with Regedit (see the Tutorial for more info) or PM me the commands (shortcuts) and I'll edit it for you.

Is there any way I can add an "Undock Computer" link to the Shutdown button you've already made?




If you know the / a command for "Undock Computer", it's no problem, I searched the Internet for it and did'nt find it. ://

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Everytime I try to click a program file created by these reg files, the following error comes up. (null) is not a valid Win32 application. Any thoughts?

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^^^ No,.. never had / saw this problem before. :/

They react like shortcuts so maybe the paths of some are wrong, you can edit it in the registry (see tutorial) but normally you should get the "Open with" dialog, not (null) is not a valid Win32 application.

Does it happen with every icon you try?

With which one does it happen?

Btw: Welcome to Neowin! :)

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^^^ No,.. never had / saw this problem before.  :/

They react like shortcuts so maybe the paths of some are wrong, you can edit it in the registry (see tutorial) but normally you should get the "Open with" dialog, not (null) is not a valid Win32 application.

Does it happen with every icon you try?

With which one does it happen?

Btw: Welcome to Neowin!  :)


Thanks, Herby :)

The Windows shortcuts such as My Computer, Shutdown, etc all work fine, and they work without the nirthingy. When I add the nir* files to my windows directory and merge the Add registry files to my registry, refresh, the icons show up fine. Then when I click on them, the error shows up. The paths are correct, I've checked. This is bumming me out, it seems like I'm the only person to be having any problems at all with these great icons.

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^^^ Does the error also appear when you copy & paste the commands in the Run dialog box?

Maybe your computer has difficulties with environment variables like %ProgramFiles%.

Try to replace %ProgramFiles% with C:\Program Files and see what happens. :)

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I like to reply again,

Herby, thank you for your time invested in all thes questions, why is this topic still not yett a sticky one, you've put a hell of a lot of work into it.

i only wanted that some people read first instead of reacting with the "alt 0160 code"

thanks Herby for a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot on interest in others problems!!!

jeroen, holland

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^^^ Does the error also appear when you copy & paste the commands in the Run dialog box?

Maybe your computer has difficulties with environment variables like %ProgramFiles%.

Try to replace %ProgramFiles% with C:\Program Files and see what happens.  :)


My system likes the %ProgramFiles& variables just fine, I pasted the path into the run box and whammo, the program loaded. I'm so frustrated I almost want to resort to reloading windows on this machine to be able to use the icons. ;_;

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@ flybye: Hey Jeroen!  :D

No problem,.. dunno,.. yep,.. & you're welcome!  :)

@ monaleilani: That's frustrating,.. I have no clue!  :/


Hey Herby. Reloaded Windows on my PC, the icons work perfectly now.

I've started making my own icons and I have a question. Why haven't you gone over how to make textless shortcuts to devices? I have two hard drives and two DVD drives and I don't want to mess around with My Computer. I want to have a sort of Linux feel about my desktop, where devices are displayed on the desktop. I also have an MP3 player that acts like a drive but doesn't have its own drive letter that I want an icon for. What I'm proposing is a way to open these drives in Windows Explorer. There is probably a simple way to do this but I'm not finding it.

Thanks :)

Edited by monaleilani
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^^^ I'm glad they work now, it was a weird error. :)

"Explorer.exe /n, D:\" opens the D Drive without Explorer pane.

"Explorer.exe /n, /e, D:\" opens the D Drive with Explorer pane.

"RunDll32.exe shell32,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" opens the Safely Remove Hardware dialog box. :happy:

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