Bill Gates buying Red Hat

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I am wondering if there is something stopping Bill Gates from buying Red Hat. I mean not Microsoft buying RH, but Bill Gates, as an individual, a private entity. Surely, no one can sue Microsoft for that, and Bill Gates has more than enough money to complete this purchase?

Any opinions?

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Good point. Almos certain that he has thought of that. That would show those penguin loving freaks!!!!

Just Kidding.

I think (not sure) that because of conflict of interest he couldn't by Red Hat

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I know that RH just bought Netscape. That wasn't the reason I asked

Why didn't he buy RH, say, a year ago?

And even if RH bought Netscape, he can be viewed as a private investor. Imagine that some private investor bought out RH. Now imagine that this private investor is Bill Gates.

This would help MS in their "battle" with Linux

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i'm not so sure ms views linux as enough of a threat to do such a thing. it's unfortunate, but linux, firefox, and other amazing software will probably always be overshadowed by ms software. no reason for bill to even waste money on the deal i would think.

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The people at redhat would have to be willing to sell to bill gates and I don't think that will ever happen. If bill ever bought redhat that would be the true sign of the end of the world. :blink:

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First point: A company would never want to buy another company with a completely opposite business model, because that would be like saying you are planning on aligning yourself with that model. Rumors would spread repent that the closed source ways of Microsoft aren't working and then their stock would go down. If Microsoft bought Redhat just to kill it, it would surely be bombarded by anti-trust lawsuits for killing its competition.

Second point: Even if Microsoft bought Redhat, Linux would live on. Redhat is just one distribution and probably doesn't even make up the majority of linux/unix installations when taking into account mandrake, Suse, *BSD. Another distribution would just overtake Redhat as the most popular.

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Why the hell would he? :s

Stupid thread...someone close it please, its making my IQ drop



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let me point out something for those who do NOT know how to read (@Weasel)

I said BILL GATES buys RH, NOT Microsoft

the reason he might want to do that is to reduce competition, as RH is the biggest seller of linux

RH isn't worth that much, so I guess that if Bill put say $500 M on the table, it would be really hard for RH shareholders to reject this kind of money

look at the Oracle/PeopleSoft case: PeopleSoft doesn't want to get bought, and yet they apparently are going to be bought out by Oracle, against their wish

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let me point out something for those who do NOT know how to read (@Weasel)

I said BILL GATES buys RH, NOT Microsoft

the reason he might want to do that is to reduce competition, as RH is the biggest seller of linux

RH isn't worth that much, so I guess that if Bill put say $500 M on the table, it would be really hard for RH shareholders to reject this kind of money

look at the Oracle/PeopleSoft case: PeopleSoft doesn't want to get bought, and yet they apparently are going to be bought out by Oracle, against their wish

he if wanted to reduce competition he would have bought all the linux ditros and still have money to bid on apple :laugh:

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he if wanted to reduce competition he would have bought all the linux ditros and still have money to bid on apple :laugh:

how can you buy debian or gentoo? those are just so called projects, whereas RH is an actual company

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how can you buy debian or gentoo? those are just so called projects, whereas RH is an actual company

he pays the people who make it and there you have it its all his :)

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