MSN Messenger 7.0 Beta leaked!

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If you want to remove your tabs from MSN Messenger 7 Beta:

# Hit start -> run -> regedit

# Look for the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MSNMessenger \ PerPassportSettings

# Open all the sections consisting out of a number combination.

# Select the DWORD DisableTabs (if not present, create it)

# Change its value to 1

# Repeat this step at all number combinations

# Close and restart MSN Messenger

to remove tabs.

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If you want to remove your tabs from MSN Messenger 7 Beta:

# Hit start -> run -> regedit

# Look for the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MSNMessenger \ PerPassportSettings

# Open all the sections consisting out of a number combination.

# Select the DWORD DisableTabs (if not present, create it)

# Change its value to 1

# Repeat this step at all number combinations

# Close and restart MSN Messenger

to remove tabs.

very good work!

msn messenger 7 isn't breathtaking, but it sure is an improvement :D

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Its .msi

yeah i know when i try to run that it opened as a windows media file, and i tried installing the windows installer from and it said "the specified service already exists" but when i click open with my windows installer isnt there :(

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oH man!11!!!11! That is so l33t, I wiSH i had it111!!!!!

Could neone hokk me up with that please haha ;)


(Incase you didn't know, I was making fun of the people (murray51) who request it.)

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Everything works fine here. The only thing that I dont like are the tabs  :pinch:
If you want to remove your tabs from MSN Messenger 7 Beta:

Hit start -> run -> regedit

Look for the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MSNMessenger \ PerPassportSettings

Open all the sections consisting out of a number combination.

Select the DWORD DisableTabs (if not present, create it)

Change its value to 1

Repeat this step at all number combinations

Close and restart MSN Messenger

from didnt refresg the WAY behind

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