(XP) Can't Boot

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I have my Windows XP Corporate disc just in case..

I tried booting and going into the "Recovery Console" but it's black & white.. and scary!

I have important pictures, files, on there I can't loose :( I don't want tor reinstall as everything is perfect.

It says the following when I try to boot...

It says the following..

Windows cannot boot because it can't find the file specified.. (or something like that)


Please help me..


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Don't worry guy, calm is simple: first turn on PC, after few seconds hit DEL and then you enter on Bios Setup find Advanced Bios Features (normally) Tab Boot Select Device and select CD-ROM as primary (in effect cd-rom is boot disc) after this changes save and exit, but before exit Bios Setup you need insert cd-rom Windows XP on drive after exit Bios Setup then PC restart and boot is from cd-rom; so system load several files and after ask what you want then you need choose the option REPAIR of course, follow the instructions on screen, after system fix all file(s) it restart automatically then reenter on Bios Setup and change again for IDE-0 (Hard Disk Drive) as primary save and exit; So your Windows could works again. :)

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do NOT press "R" to repair when it asks u first.. (that one brings up the recovery console). just tell it u wanna 'continue installing windows'. other things being OK, setup will detect ur previous installation and ask u whether u want to recover it. it is THEN that u answer positive.. and the automatic recovery begins with all ur previous settings held in place.

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after system fix all file(s) it restart automatically then reenter on Bios Setup and change again for IDE-0 (Hard Disk Drive) as primary save and exit; So your Windows could works again.        :)

How do I get "system fix all file(s)"?

It is black and white.. Sitting at C:/Windows almost like DOS.

What do I need to type?


Also to the last poster of the thread I tried that and the farthest I got was information on not installing XP on the same partion as its bad.

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ooooookayyy... so ur windows installation has been "damaged" somehow. hmm... in that case... what i can suggest is get a win98 boot disk... and copy all the files u need from C: to other partitions. if u can't do it with command prompt aka DOS, get a 3rd party explorer like Norton Commander or Total Commander for moving/copying the files.

Edited by ZeroHertz
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Boot to th XP CD and select R (Recovery Console)

At the command prompt type:

ren c:\windows\system32\config\system system.old

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config


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Boot to th XP CD and select R (Recovery Console)

At the command prompt type:

ren c:\windows\system32\config\system system.old

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config


Thank You!

I saved everything important and going to reinstall now since I was meanign to do it for a long time. :woot: :woot: :alien: :ninja:

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Boot to th XP CD and select R (Recovery Console)

At the command prompt type:

ren c:\windows\system32\config\system system.old

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config


very good Allan (Y)

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very good Allan (Y)

Thank you, but you should not have posted your suggestions in this thread. They made no sense and certainly had nothing to do with the problem this individual presented. On technical forums such as this, when you aren't sure of the answer it's better not to say anything - or at least to say that you are guessing. Bad advice can often make a bad situation worse.

This isn't my site, so it's only an observation and a suggestion. BTW - no offense intended.

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