Film Reviews!

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OK - we ALL love films- especially me... no timdorr not that type of film - so as a new addition to the site, i thought that members doing film reviews would be great! IF you want to be involved then please post below, and ill get onto ya with how to do it; we'll post your reviews on the articles section of the site for all to see - so get writing!

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Thir13en Ghosts

It is about a dude that is trying to catch 12 ghost and make a really neat?o machine that will make him really powerful. Over all the acting was good, the special effects were even better. Even with those two things I can?t say the movie was very good. It was good for a 1-time watch at best. The reason the movie fell short is because it had a lot of holes, half the stuff in the movie didn?t make sense or was to far fetched to believe. One of the best examples of this is , during the whole movie no one can see the ghosts without wearing special glasses, but then in the end the main dude who died in the beginning comes back to life and everyone can see him plain as day!!! Why is that? Does his **** not stink?

If you looking for a scary movie with good special effects and a hot chick? then this movie is for you.

If you are looking for a scary movie with a plot that makes sense and has a hot chick?. Then this movie is not for you. But you may wanna watch it anyway for the hot chick

If you are looking for a movie where the hot chick gets nude?. Then this movie is not for you.

Over all I give this movie a rating of?? 5 out of 10

Plot = 1

Special Effects ? 9

Acting ? 8

Hot Chicks 6 --- There are 2 of them? but I only like one of them .

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stuff i saw recently, i base on story and enjoyment, not special effects and crap.

outta 5 *'s

not another teen movie - ***

shallow hal - **

how high - ***

ocean's 11 - ****

blade 2 - * (if that)

black hawk down - ****

resident evil - ***

behind enemy lines - *

hart's war - **

enemy at the gates - ****

lotr - *****

thats all i have now, ice age tonight. want details, ask i'm just on the way out the office

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Originally posted by warwagon

Thir13en Ghosts

The reason the movie fell short is because it had a lot of holes, half the stuff in the movie didn?t make sense or was to far fetched to believe. One of the best examples of this is , during the whole movie no one can see the ghosts without wearing special glasses, but then in the end the main dude who died in the beginning comes back to life and everyone can see him plain as day!!! Why is that? Does his **** not stink? b>

Uh..... he faked his death, thought that was pretty clear.

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Ok.... I'll go with that.... but then why when he showed up in the end did he still have blood, or fake blood on his neck? He had how many dayz to clean that off?? The Dude who wrote the book.. how did he know which ghost they had to catch?

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ok i am a huge movie buff, download, rent, tmn, i see em all sooner or later. i try to keep an open mind, i don't care what kind of movie it is, if its entertaining i like them. if they aren't **** (i'm sure you know what these stars mean :p) em.

blade 2 was extremely lame. wesley snipes SHOULD NOT be trying to do karate. he looks like a frickin robot. and don't get me wrong, he has done a few good flicks, but his career is dead.

i'm a big fan of vampires, i read lots of vamp books. blade 2 though was just so incredibly horrible i couldn't ever watch it again. i rank it up there with friday the 13th as far as bad movies go. no story, bad acting, super bad effect, just all round cheese.

if jet li was blade, it might of been ok, weak story and all, but he wasn't.

score, don't even rent this pos.

now as far as a good movie.

oceans 11.

man this movie was good. i like brad pitt. no i'm not gay :p

he's acctually a good actor, has some style (12 monkeys) and although i don't like cloney he does a good job, the story is the best part of this movie. twist, turn, twist, i like saying my name :p

this was one of the better movies i have seen lately. and i watch at least 1 movie a day.

score, download (i mean buy) the dvd

black hawk down.

war porn, nothing more.

its a good movie, some cheese. but not to much. doesn't glorify american slodiers. (bombed canadians today)

over all i'd say this movie was one of the better releases of the last year.

score. rent it, and enjoy some action


ok, i like fantasy, i like this movie. effects where really good, everything looked HUGE! added a lot to the feeling of the flick. if you haven't seen it do so, classic i dunno, won't say either way but its a good waste of a few hours. only thing i hated was gandalf, what a pansy, yay gandalf and your crappy fireworks, nice wizard :p

score, rent and wait for the next one.

how high.

lol, nuff said.

looking for a comedy and like hoppen and hippen grab it off the shelf.

and now the best movie i've seen lately.


my god, even dubbed in englidh this was good. if you haven't seen it you should.

worst movie.

cap'n corelli's pos

avoid this like the plague, my gf didn't even wanna watch it.

other movies you could check out.

casino, watched it tonight, deniro is all i'm gonna say.

training day, good flick, not worth an oscar for washington, but really good.

showtime, deniro and murphy, yay!. deniro is not my favorite comedy guy, but he does a good job in this.

behind enemy lines? yah anyone ever seen the movie with ice t and the hunters? you;ve seen this then. one good scene.

my gf likes foreign flicks.

the new one by the guy who made run lola run (can't remember the name) sucks. he was a one hit wonder. don't bother.

long post :p

sorry guys, i like movies. almost more then computers. ALMOST

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Originally posted by warwagon

Ok.... I'll go with that.... but then why when he showed up in the end did he still have blood, or fake blood on his neck? He had how many dayz to clean that off?? The Dude who wrote the book.. how did he know which ghost they had to catch?

You got me on the blood, dumb mistake. About the book, I think that the person who wrote the book must have had some evidence to work with, I mean the ghosts did exist, who know what other mystical prophecy might have existed also.

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Just say Changing Lanes a couple of days ago. If all you've seen is previews then you're in for a surprise. It looks like it is an action movie from the previews but I would say it is more of a drama. Jackson is very good in the movie but Aflek is only alright. Jackson does a good job of getting his emotions to show and this is pretty important to the movie. Basically the movie is about Jackson and Aflek getting into an accident on the FDR in NYC. Aflek leaves the scene and that is where things start to get interesting. Aflek drops a file (he's a lawyer, and it is needed for the case he is working on) at the accident and then leaves. Jackson picks it up and isn't to wiling to give it back. It turns into a revenge/grude match. That is main part of the story and I thought it was a pretty good movie.

Acting 7

Aflek wasn't that good but the rest of the cast was convincing

Storyline 8

Interesting idea for a movie.

As far as special effects go there weren't many and the sound fit the movie.

Overall 8

I thought it was a pretty good movie and to me it seemed like it was a new idea. I'm only 19 though and haven't seen most of the "classic" movies.

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Originally posted by twist

blade 2 was extremely lame. wesley snipes SHOULD NOT be trying to do karate. he looks like a frickin robot.

I have to disagree. I liked Blade2. It won't win any Oscars, but it was an entertaining move. (Better than Blade1).

BTW - Snipes is a 5th Degree Black Belt in real life! If he looks robotic, it is just because the fight scenes have to be so carefully choreographed for the sake of the other actors.

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I saw Van Wilder about a couple of weeks ago. That was a funny movie. If you liked movies like Road Trip or the National Lampoons series you will most likely enjoy this movie. Van Wilder is a 7 year senior and his dad decides to stop payment on his tution payment for the semester. When this happens Van has to find a way to pay for college. He becomes a party planner and meets one of the girls from the newspaper who was sent to do a story on him. The girl is played by Tara Reid (damn she's hot). The whole relationship developes along with the jealous boyfriend and your sick teen humor. This isn't a revolutionary plotline but its still funny. If you like dumb/sick/teen humour then this movie is good. It has some drama in it but its a comedy at heart. I'd have to give it about an 8. If you don't enjoy stupid comidies then I would suggest going to some other movie.

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I am a huge Wesley Snipes fan, but this movie was wretched...

The acting (what little there was) was beyond subpar... Spud or whatever the hell his name was, was more than annoying, with his urban lingo, and stupid way he walked. The Reapers were more than a joke, with that funny looking mouth. It really reminded me of the movie tremors, could they not think of a better alteration to a vampire? And the underlying love story between Blade and the female vampire was more than pathetic, it was stupid. And the old man in the movie, could they not give him a rest, and let him die in the last movie... Did they have to bring his old ass back from the undead? LOL

Truly whoever wrote this script must have been smoking a bit of pot or dropping acid, because this movie was indeed low on my scale of watchability...

The action scenes were very good, but that's all this movie consisted of. There was not time to develop a story, plot, subplot... nothing...

Even the weapons this time around sucked... They were not very original, (ultraviolet ray bombs)???? C'mon give me a break. Hell even a 5 year old could come up with something a bit more interesting.

It was lame, and when taking into account the music, acting, story, characters,

I give this movie a " -* "

I really feel for the people who paid to see this movie, you should ask for your money back. Luckily I viewed this as a screener as I would have been very upset to have to pay to see this... It really is not worth the 2 + hours. It's beyond poor. It's crap...

Unless that is you like movies, with nothing but action, blood, and gore, then maybe this is for you!

If you liked this movie, I must say sorry for you, because this movie sucks...

Just my opinion,


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Originally posted by wattsja

BTW - Snipes is a 5th Degree Black Belt in real life! If he looks robotic, it is just because the fight scenes have to be so carefully choreographed for the sake of the other actors.

yah i know that. but the fact is he looks stupid doing it. karate is not the best martial art to use in a movie. i'm not dissing karate, but i'm sure you wouldn't make a moving centered around a greco roman wrestler.

fight scenes should be entertaining, karate is boring to watch.

block, spin kick, spin kisk, block block, leg sweep :p

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