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Previously, I posted a question in this forum as to why my HT CPU was running at 50-60 load constantly after a while. Some said it was a virus or such. I just found what is causing my CPU to run at that load sometimes. It's the "WZCSLDR2.exe". Does anyone know what this is? I tried googling it but most of the sites are in German and the google translation is crap. From what I could tell, it might having something to do with D-Link which I do use their router "DI-784" and the DWL-AG530 adapter by D-Link. I don't know what it is or why it sometimes causes my CPU to run at half load which will cause my CPU to run at 125+ degrees. Any suggestions?

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You're right, the program seems to have something to do with the adapter. ( based on first site in google) A lot of hijack this threads are listed as well. But I couldn't find a site where they identified that file as a problem...

do you have the latest firmware and drivers?

Are these links correct?:

DWL - AG350 Drivers

DI - 784 Firmware

Have you tried disabling the process to see what happens?

Edited by bsarmir
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( based on first site in google)

That wasn't the best wording--it was late when I wrote that. I meant to say that I found it in the first link after translating the page, interpreting the translation (because it still didn't make any sense), and then making a few assumptions. I never found a page connecting that file to d-link anything, but I probably didn't search hard enough.

Edited by bsarmir
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