Recommended Operating System?

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I ran XP on my old P3 550 with 384MB RAM and it ran fine.

Slower that my current PC ;) but it still ran fine.

I recommend XP with all the pretty stuff turned off.

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I'd say go with either XP or 2k. I ran XP on my p2 400 MHz with 192 MB RAM and it ran just fine. Sure, I turned off all the services, but it ran like a champ. Your processor might be able to handle it better. 2k would definitely run smoothly on that box. I highly recommend installing that on there as it would have the edge on performance (with less tweaking). Take your pick, either will run.

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What the hell guys, come on, he has a P3 800mhz and 512 ram. Thats a mean cs machine right there it will do great depending on his video card of course! he can run xp more than fine.. you might want to take off the stuff thats not needed though for performance but you can get visual styles and everything just fine. I have a 566mhz celeron 192 ram on board video and it runs steam fine too haha, i do turn of the fade out menus and all that crap that isnt needed. but on my 3400+ its all on baby!

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Hah, yeah, I underclocked my Mobile Barton to 700mhz just for grins and giggles (and to see if it'd work fanless) and played some UT2k4 and CS. UT needs a little bit more clockage... but the Steam-Life games worked fine. And I had every bit of visual prettiness enabled that I had when my CPU was at 2.2ghz. So pppphhhhhphphtphpht! :wacko:

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Yeah but a Barton architecture is a lot more optimised than a simple P3, clock for clock the barton WILL be faster.........

Its like downclocking an Athlon64 and comparing it with a similar clocked P2

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I was able to run XP Beta just fine on a Celeron 500mhz, you shouldnt have a problem with a Celeron 766 surely.

Overall, I really think that Win 2K sounds like a good choice in operating system. It lacks the visual effects of WIndows XP but that isnt an issue for me. The only thing I would miss if i were to switch to 2K is ClearType font rendering.

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