SP2 ...TCP, AGAIN ...I know I know ..but

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Hi there, I know I know .....

Another thread about outgoing ports on SP2 ....but I just want some confirmation on one thing ....

In recent builds of windows , XP included .... the value of outgoing half ports was set to unlimited right?

And now it's down to a humble 10 .... good and bad sides, but for Gods sake ..surely MS would have known people

would be working around this, blaming a bad week from their ISP on their new pants P2P performance, get

hysterical and install a patch to counter it ..... therefore hackers with half a brain will continue to hone

in on this fact, making this feature a waste of time !

Surely it's about time MS do research and embrace and accept P2P will go on a bit more to prevent further

security breaches caused by the "panic patching" !!! ....in a sense this new feature is deemed useless.

If it would have been forced and unchangeable , bit unfair maybe... but with the right solution and

reassurance to the p2p community ..... this rubbish could be avoided! See it time and time again .....

and furthermore , MS are merely human ...and when it comes to security and a public promise, its

not good enough! ...as they proclaim they are at the stage of software technology reinventing itself *cough*

It has personally effected my performance as SP2 was my first install of XP for a couple of years, and it was

built into my copy of XP .... I have dloaded with and without the "patch" ...and with, it does work better

as it doesn't bounce back as many queued positions in my P2P software as being "failed" connections..... doesnt effect

speed as such on the dload,but damn has it sliced queuing time down!

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its not designed to stop hackers from gettin in your computer, but to stop virii and trojans from trying random IPs to send itself to. and while *some* people apply the patch, it is a very small fraction of customers.

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it seems it can be used without re-booting ....particular one im using , so I just run it for certain things ...... and then disable it !

From the research and tests that i've done, the slight loss in performance is well well worth it !

thumbs up MS actually .... (dont believe I said that ) lol

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it would not be an issue if affected software developers changed and tweaked their software to restrict the program to 10 half open connections at a time.

But then, MS has to be blamed here as well. Their decision to limit it to 10 was pretty sudden as well. The decision wasn't made until nearing the official service pack 2 release.

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