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I assume you dont buy CD's either then. I think it would be an interesting investment for a person like myself who makes a 12 hour drive back home (from school) every month. Never have to switch channels or stations, and quite a large selection too.

10 bucks a month i think is actually cheap, compared to things such as cell phone service and junk...i dont know...anyone else?

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Well... The Good And the Bad Of XM Satalite Radio:


-Un-edited radio

-If you travel alot, (Like a trucker or sales person) then you can listen to the same station whenever you like

-quite a large selection of radio channels (also quite a lare selection for each genere)

-Some (Not All) are commercial Free.


-Expensive, $9.99 a month also the mininum of $299.99 For a reciver.

-Quite a few of the XM sations have No-Name artists

-XM just recently filed for bankrupcy, (Probably because of the cost)

-only a few recivers to choose from

Over all, NO i would not buy XM...

You choose,


:D :)

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Originally posted by nosnhojm

I assume you dont buy CD's either then. I think it would be an interesting investment for a person like myself who makes a 12 hour drive back home (from school) every month. Never have to switch channels or stations, and quite a large selection too.

10 bucks a month i think is actually cheap, compared to things such as cell phone service and junk...i dont know...anyone else?

12 hours a month!? You should be worried about gas prices, not radio prices!!

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I would never invest in XM radio...I have a large enough mp3 collection that I can burn onto CD's I don't have to worry about music on long trips.

As far is whether or not XM radio is a cool thing, it is. It is/was an attempt to make radio a high-quality listening experience. I cannot stand to listen to am/fm because of the crappy quality and lack of playing anything good. If XM radio was cheaper, I might invest in it sometime. Probably not.

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my question is how reliable is XM ?? i have Directv and when its cloudy or a storm rolls through it goes out... really any type of mother nature event, a nice partial sunny day can throw in some pixels.

it doesnt seem that expensive to me. but im not a big driving fan here, to and from work 30min.. road trips might be cool. direct specfic channels might be cool. doing away with irritating commercials and DJ's could be cool.

my 2 cents

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