Running Batch File from 'Limited' User

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Setting up a new XP PRO system for the animal shelter where I volunteer. Completely clean install of XP Pro. They have a program call Animal Shelter Manager which is open source and java based. I loaded everything under the 'Staff' account using Administrator rights. Everything works perfect.

Then changed the 'Staff' account to 'Limited' rights and now the program won't run.

The program starts via a batch file:

"C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_05\bin\java.exe" -Xms16m -Xmx16m "-Djava.library.path=C:\Asm\lib" -cp "C:\Asm\asm.jar;C:\Asm\lib\mysql-cj-307stable.jar;C:\Asm\lib\charting-0.94.jar;C:\Asm\lib\swingwt.jar;C:\Asm\lib\swt.jar;" "jdbc:mysql://" C:\Asm\temp\ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

and lastly, here's the message that comes up before it aborts/shuts down/doesn't run (See image):

I've search Neowin, Googled it, and checked MS KB. I'm at a dead end. Can anyone help? I'm hoping there's somne way to edit the 'Staff' user to allow them to run this program 'cause I really would hate to give them ADmin rights since they have 2% usable computer knowledge.

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Since the attachment didn't take, here's the text of the SQL window:

Starting Animal Shelter Manager

*** SQLException caught ***

SQLState: 08S01

Message: Unable to connect to any hosts due to exception: Connection refused: connect

Vendor: 0

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Right click the file, and select "Run As"

Select admin and user name & password

Staff wont see any username or pass it will just run


The computer is next to me right now. Logged in as 'Staff', that option: Right Click|Advanced|Run with Different Credentials is greyed out. Do you mean set it this way from the 'Staff' acount when it has Admin rights?

EDIT: Just tried it with 'Staff' having Admin rights - still greyed out.

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The computer is next to me right now.  Logged in as 'Staff', that option: Right Click|Advanced|Run with Different Credentials  is greyed out.  Do you mean set it this way from the 'Staff' acount when it has Admin rights?

EDIT:  Just tried it with 'Staff' having Admin rights - still greyed out.


No ....

click on file, right click, there should be a Run As... option. BUT since your file is based on java, you will have to utilize the dos command RUNAS.

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No ....

click on file, right click, there should be a Run As... option. BUT since your file is based on java, you will have to utilize the dos command RUNAS.


Still no joy. Tried fifteen different permutations of right clicking on both the desktop shortcut and the actual file. Beginning to think the command won't work with a .bat file.

RUNAS from the command prompt would require, and I know you'll correct me if I'm wrong, the 'Staff' user to know my password since I see nowhere in the syntax to enter it.

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Hmmm, java... Ick :x

You can look around in the VM settings, but I don't know what to tell you; I have a limited knowledge of the java VM :/


Thanks Gameguy. I know its NOT the Java that's causing the hiccup. The entire program works fine if I give 'Staff' Administrative rights. It just tanks hard when I make 'Staff' a Limited user again.

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Hmmm, java... Ick :x

You can look around in the VM settings, but I don't know what to tell you; I have a limited knowledge of the java VM :/


Hmmm, .NET... Ick :x (j/k)

And I will try running the program and see if I can get it to work in a limited user account. :)

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Here's what I did.

From Creamhackered I went to the Java executable and used 'Run As' from Optiplex to have it run with my Admin rights.

From a forum post over at Sourceforge I used srvany.exe to make the Xitami web server a 'service' rather than an application and did likewise with mysqld.exe via a DOS prompt from within the bin folder. Add a couple REGEDIT entries to define the Xitami service.


Disabled via MSConfig both of the above programs in the Startup Tab.

Restarted and SHAZAM!!!! Animal Shelter Manager now works under 'Limited' user rights!

Thanks to all!

Edited by Salgoth
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