Blue Mountain

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if microsoft start charging they will loose a lot of users, since most of them are teenagers (13-18) and wont have the money to pay, so there will probably be a big shift over to yahoo / AIM

oh well, yet another stupid move...


I have seen no indication anywhere that MS is going to force people to pay for anything.

I am a member of the premium content beta tester group and the only thing that we have been asked to look at is the premium emoticons, etc.

There is nothing within MSN 7 that suggests that video conversation will go to a pay-per-use model.

I don't know where or what Watcher95 saw but it is not included on any part of Betaplace that I have seen.

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Way to go, self-proclaimed beta testers. You're going to end up ruining it for everyone in the test. It's cool now to violate the NDA


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Why are some ppl tryin to whip up a storm of hysteria?!?! Blue mountain already offers products for MSN messenger 6.2 AT A COST, granted they are not advertised in the messenger window but they do exist! Why are people runnin around shouting and screaming that MSN 7 will b a paid for service?!?!? I am in no way sticking up for microsoft, but some messages on this board should b treated with great caution!


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When is microsoft going to learn, people dont "need" them nowadays,  and frankly nobody is going to buy something they can get for free elsewhere.


Heh. You paid for your OS didn't you? You could have just installed linux or bsd or any other free OS......

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Why are some ppl tryin to whip up a storm of hysteria?!?! Blue mountain already offers products for MSN messenger 6.2 AT A COST, granted they are not advertised in the messenger window but they do exist! Why are people runnin around shouting and screaming that MSN 7 will b a paid for service?!?!?  I am in no way sticking up for microsoft, but some messages on this board should b treated with great caution! 




MSN have been offering paid for emoticons for a while now - it is nothing new.

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Why are some ppl tryin to whip up a storm of hysteria?!?! Blue mountain already offers products for MSN messenger 6.2 AT A COST, granted they are not advertised in the messenger window but they do exist! Why are people runnin around shouting and screaming that MSN 7 will b a paid for service?!?!?  I am in no way sticking up for microsoft, but some messages on this board should b treated with great caution! 



Erm when did i say it wud be a paid for service :s what u are saying is correct im jus saying just incase we have 2 pay for web conferencing or the service it wont be good so i hope this isnt the case for video conferencing.

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gawd people, there will always be some patch to get it for free no matter what microsoft does to it. If you dont like that use yahoo messenger, and anyone who pays for emoticons and deluxe display pictures should be shot or something, thats just stupid.

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gawd people, there will always be some patch to get it for free no matter what microsoft does to it. If you dont like that use yahoo messenger, and anyone who pays for emoticons and deluxe display pictures should be shot or something, thats just stupid.


depends if it is done through passport accounts or now :unsure:

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