Bush Or Kerry?

Who would you like to see as the president for the next four years Bush or Kerry?  

291 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you like to see as the president for the next four years Bush or Kerry?

    • Bush
    • Kerry

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and then we would have the typical European come crying to the US scene.  I think it'd be kind of ironic for the US to say "sorry guys, too bad, its not our problem and we don't agree with you, better luck next time!!!"


If it wasn't for France there wouldn't be a USA now.

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and then we would have the typical European come crying to the US scene.  I think it'd be kind of ironic for the US to say "sorry guys, too bad, its not our problem and we don't agree with you, better luck next time!!!"


If it wasn't for France there wouldn't be a USA now.

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No, more likely the world will laugh at you.


best interest of my country > world opinion

they can laugh all they want. i'm american, they aren't.

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Without turning this into another debate on "religious" discussion ... one of the main reasons I'm again homosexuality/homos is because, in the Bible it speaks of homosexuality as a detestable sin. There are many refrences to it. In the end times there will be homosexuality, and it's already obvious we're living in the end times -- as Bible prophesy has been fulfilled. Homosexuality also turned Sodom and Gomorrah into total ruin. Personally I don't want the US to be turned into ruin.

The bible is a mind control device that exists for the sole purpose of manipulating and controlling those seeking spirituality. The references against certain practices forbidden by the bible are there as a hedge against a time when people gave up their beliefs. It gives people like you a tool to say " look the bible was right ! "

Since there always has, and always will be, gay people all over the world, every race. up to 10 percent of humanity is gay - I think GOD (if he really existed at all) would probably have intended that or fixed it himself if it was so wrong.

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Ok i'll tell you why im for Bush

its because people like Kerry who is for Abortion, and other junk is that we all think it will be ok so people will make peace, but i tell who you vote for people that kill inicent children isn't gonna change nothing in this world but hatred by seeing Murder of children, is ok that they think that murder is ok so War by US will be against US. Like it is now, it started already you are at war with the people for Bush but you just don't realize it yet. Wait until Abortion starts everyone will loose it. If a man kills a man a child will think its ok...but if a man kills a child the world will think its ok. War against US has broke out already, but I don't care all i care about is EVERYONE that is in the World not just soldiers, not just Women, not just Chilren but Everyone. Peace is all about me! so I see Abortion isn't gonna cause peace its gonna start War! So forget all you US Terrorist out there im going for Peace.

Enough Said


Kerry isn't for abortion, he is for a woman's right to choose. And no children are being killed since a fetus is not a child. The same as You aren't a child. Abortion has been around for centuries and guess who has being killing the most children? Religion.

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The bible is a mind control device that exists for the sole purpose of manipulating and controlling those seeking spirituality.  The references against certain practices forbidden by the bible are there as a hedge against a time when people gave up their beliefs. It gives people like you a tool to say " look the bible was right ! "

Since there always has, and always will be, gay people all over the world, every race. up to 10 percent of humanity is gay - I think GOD (if he really existed at all)  would probably have intended that or fixed it himself if it was so wrong.


Yep ... he did ... he created a woman. If you want to know who screwed it up, notice Adam and Eve -- they sinned.

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The bible is a mind control device that exists for the sole purpose of manipulating and controlling those seeking spirituality.  The references against certain practices forbidden by the bible are there as a hedge against a time when people gave up their beliefs. It gives people like you a tool to say " look the bible was right ! "

Since there always has, and always will be, gay people all over the world, every race. up to 10 percent of humanity is gay - I think GOD (if he really existed at all)  would probably have intended that or fixed it himself if it was so wrong.


Lol. You know little about religious philosophy. Or religion in general.

"Hello, my name is liberal"

I swear, you have to be 14.

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Exactly!  We've bailed out Europe TWICE since the 1900's......This time, should something happen, we should just say you're on your own......but, we wont, why?

Because the USA is the only remaining super power left (and don't they just hate that!)



As I had said, if it weren't for France there would be no USA now.

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this thread really reinforces the fact that non-americans have no idea what is best for america. thank you


As they shouldn't. They should be concerned about their own country. Now i'm not saying they can't voice their thoughts here, but Americans shouldn't really take them seriously. Likewise, they shouldn't take me seriously when I say that France's PM needs to be replaced. *shrugs*

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Bush supporters are mostly religious zealots.  They take the Bible literally, very scary.


There are religious zealots in both parties. Don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise.

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I'm a Republican, but this go around I'm voting for Kerry. Bush needs to go ! But this post means not much, due to 1/2 the folks that are posting from the U.S are under age and can't vote anyway !

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Kerry isn't for abortion, he is for a woman's right to choose. And no children are being killed since a fetus is not a child. The same as You aren't a child. Abortion has been around for centuries and guess who has being killing the most children? Religion.


Holy hell, a fetus isn't a child?

Please, fill me in on what it is then...

Must be some kind of an amphibian or something! Surely it isn't human!

Remarkable. This is why America is going down the tubes.

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Bush supporters are mostly religious zealots.  They take the Bible literally, very scary.


Yeah ... just like us who take the 10 Commandments seriously ... that's so scarey. If we don't kill people, we mi ... oh wait, killing is wrong I forgot. You must not really care about your wife sleeping with another man, huh? Yeah, that's in there too ...

Read. Interpret. Understand. It's not just a history book.

glad to see Kerry winning.

Enjoy it here ... :). You'll have another 4 more years with Bush like it or not. :woot:

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Glad to see these results (Y)

Although I don't fully support either candidate, I agree with more of Kerry's views than Bush's (although i agree with some of his as well), and definitely want Bush out.

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I'm surprised by the number of people here who have no clue how the American government works. Either because they're not from the US or because they paid no attention in school.


We know how it it works, and probably far better than you do it would seem.

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Kerry isn't for abortion, he is for a woman's right to choose. And no children are being killed since a fetus is not a child. The same as You aren't a child. Abortion has been around for centuries and guess who has being killing the most children? Religion.


Heh...a fetus isn't a child. It has two arms, two legs, two eyes, a nose and a mouth and it has been confirmed that they feel pain as early as 4 weeks old...what more do you need?

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There are religious zealots in both parties. Don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise.


I doubt that. Bush really uses his religious beliefs to get people to vote for him.

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try another perspective- this from the eyes of an anti-abortion minded individual

there are lives being taken from humans in your country-

in your neighborhood-

by your neighbor, a doctor.

you see it as wrong.

you are not allowed a voice, not allowed to protest at clinics- your rights simply removed for the comfort of customers entering the abortion clinic.

many of those with similar views are religious- even though you may not be,

yet the public views you as a religious nut and don't even stop to listen to your argument- as if even if you were religious religion is for the nutcases of the world and the mentally insane shouldn't have a voice (sounds like a 3rd reich view huh)

you have pictures-

you have facts-

these are lives you're attempting to save, but nobody's listening, and others say there are more important issues, such as taxes and healthcare to think of, issues to the living-

issues that abortion victims don't have becuase their brains were scrambled /w steril scissors, the same scissors that cut thier flailing limbs off.


That is a proven myth about how the vast majority of abortions are done.

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