What your country's like

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I've always been curious on what other countries look likem eg,. UK, Mexico etc. Can anyone post some pics/info like wat the town/cities are like. like nunber plates even :laugh:

in Austrlia our number plates go 3 letters then 3 numbers eg. abc-123

i live in a suburban area with a council. It's very hot as the stereo type goes, but we dont talk like bloddy rednecks :angry: uhhh wat else... we have bushfires in summer which is near my house, and i dont have a picture of our house cause we aint got a digital camera. To get to the city I travel by train or to travel basically anywhere the bus or train.

ok thats about it

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i live in aus currently. suburban. council. yeh.

but for a while i lived in vietnam. like 3 months. this was in a major city

number plates? what number plates?

everyone talks really loudly. so polluted its not funny. all the houses are like 3 storeys + and really really narrow.

motorbikes and bikes everywhere. also crashes everywhere.

umm. public transport :x



The new Parliament House taken around 2000-ish.


I think I took this when I was on the roof of the new Parliament House, same day as the one above.


Canberra - I'm not quite sure where this part is.


Just the end of a highway or something, taken I think last year. In Sydney at the balcony of the hotel I stayed at. Have no idea what that red star thing is though, it doesn't look like it's part of the building.


Taken when I was having dinner at the Centre Point Tower, I seriously didn't know how many people actually took photos there.

Here's a few I had saved on my computer, the first one was a bit big so I linked it instead. It was taken again at the Centre Point Tower, it was lucky we got a seating at a good timing.

I live in Mexico in the Northwest part in Baja, a town called Ensenada about 80 Miles south of Tijuana and the US border

1) The plates around here can be of several kinds, for public transportation, for cars sold in Mexico and (only allowed in the border states) for cars originally bought in the US

they go 3letters, 3 numbers 1letter

2) The phone numbers are 3 for the area code + 7 for the local number

exceptions: Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey where its 2 for the area code + 8 for the local number

3) Rarely do you see someone wearing a sombrero, if you see someone with a sombrero odds are he's coming from the rural areas

4) My city is kinda smallish (only around 400,000) people

5) There are a lot of streets with potholes, because Tijuana and Mexicali get most of the State's (Baja California) public works budget

6) The weather is just like Southern California

7) The local publi transportation is composed mainly of "Microbuses" which have a very ugly paintjob IMO and can carry about 20 passengers, and usually drive like hell

8) One of the problems here is that the poorer people are very uneducated and will throw trash everywhere :(

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