Got to love the RedSox/Yankees rivalry

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Why do you have to call him a moron? You don't even know who he is and he start name calling? How childish is that?


Ermm, remember in Game 3.. The Mass Trooper had weirdo hat.. :wacko:

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The only thing I can think of is pitching one guy each inning. Maybe pitch Pedro 7, Timlin 8 and let Folke or Myers close it. Spread the work around.

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Luck maybe. If they were better then the Yanks, their last World Series win wouldn't have been in 1918 :rofl:


If Bill gate was born rich, he wouldn't had inveted windows.

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who needs tv when youve got neowin's play-by-play update of this game ;)

im a yankee fan, but ive got to hand it to the red sox for winning three straight games. whoever wins it, its been a hell of an exciting series.

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here we go again, the wind blows and the curse grows...


Let's just hope that we can keep that up. We need at least 3 in the next inning and 3 in the 9th to win it! (and that's if the Sox don't get anymore runs)

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Guys don't worry bout it. Martinez is a great pitcher, he had 2 runs come in but we're still 5 up :). Lowe kicked some ass guys! I kind of like the who's your daddy chant. :) Pedro is my daddy.

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