[Definitive] Star Trek

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Everyone knows I meant the Klingon ship and not Vulcan.... :unsure:


1) Farscape (I know it's not ST, but hell of a better series IMO)

2) Enterprise

3) TNG

4) Voyager

5) TOS

6) NOT DS9

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For me:

1) DS9

11) ENT

12) TNG

13) VOY

14) TOS

Although some episodes pre-season 4 of Enterprise made Enterprise drop to a lower status (i.e., Precious Cargo, A Night in Sickbay)  :x


a night in sick bay was really a stretch for them to just put an episode... :wacko:

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my 2 cents on the transporter question and the augment question...

first people say that it would impossible for the augment to transport onboard while the ship was exploding, but i think the klingons and the vulcans both have way superior tech compared to enterprise and the humans... also could enterprise hold its own in a fight with a klingon ship? **** no- but think about this... didnt seung help enterprise by pointing out the biggest vulnurability on the klingon ship? without this knowledge enterprise wouldnt have stood a chance.. when u look at it this way their hull plating didnt need to pull off any miracles, it just needed to withstand a few hits.

as for the augment being too ****** to put up a fight "he could barely walk" i chalk that upto superhuman augment healing.

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I thought the generations comment was more referring to Star Trek: TNG in an off-hand sorta way. ;)

He mentioned something very similar to the origins of Data. Not something about his offspring or his wife.. Sorry I should've been more specific. :pinch:


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yeah soong doesnt need generations to complete his work that leads to DATA... soong is still alive when data is around, either that or dies shortly after DATA's "birth". the generations comment is irrelevant and u can read into it and it points to STG (the title) or the fact that DATA has a brother (lore).

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He did say something about Cybernetic Enhancements.. than he said something about creating a cybernetic being.. He also said that it might take a few generations. And thats exactly how long it took.

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yeah soong doesnt need generations to complete his work that leads to DATA... soong is still alive when data is around, either that or dies shortly after DATA's "birth".  the generations comment is irrelevant and u can read into it and it points to STG (the title) or the fact that DATA has a brother (lore).


Don't forgot about Data's robo-mom =)

Maybe Soong made a robo version of himself too so that he could outlive his body?

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yeah soong doesnt need generations to complete his work that leads to DATA... soong is still alive when data is around, either that or dies shortly after DATA's "birth".  the generations comment is irrelevant and u can read into it and it points to STG (the title) or the fact that DATA has a brother (lore).


The Soong in TNG isn't Arik Soong, that's Noonien Soong.

Arik Soong I'm sure is long dead by that time period.

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^ exactly, I mean Soong is suppose to be quite smart, but I doubt he figures out how to keep living for several centuries... :D So I was wondering how he comes to establish so way to continue his work...thru his offspring. ;)

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I would assume, if Enterprise has a 5th season and a 6th etc, that somewhere down the road, they'd do another Arik Soong episode (or arc) and thus that would allow his redemption in the eyes of the Federation/Starfleet and allow him to have offspring.

Unless he gets a prison guard preggers. Ew.

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Or unless he gets raped. Bah.. what am I saying. Its probably one of the test tube babies that become Noonien Soong, or his Dad, or Grandfather. Possibly even his Great grand father..

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I really never though of that. Its possible that he has/had a child. I wonder why they left that part out, assuming that he has a child. :dontgetit:

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I mean, he's pretty old. It's possible his wife/kid distanced themselves from him. :p


alright then, Somehow the old man makes up with his son who just happens to be interested in artificial life forms too. :ninja:

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I can't wait for this week's episode. I want to see which airborne pathogen will kill Archer and his friends.. :shifty:

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Are we talking about the same episode here?

I think the ending of last week's episode was when Uther gets killed, then it shows a breif scene of the next episode. It shows Archer climbing up a ladder.

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